third hint

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"Tyler got a tattoo," Pj was saying sitting on Dan's office chair backwards.

"Oakley?" Chris asked laying on the floor of Dan's room with a comic book opened over his chest. Pj nodded and add, "maybe we should get like matching tattoos?"

"Tramp Stamps!" Dan shouted jumping on his bed. He had a few to many band-aids on his forearms, chin, and cheek.

"I would get a butterfly one," I said and the boys laughed. "So original Phil" Chris chuckled.

"What! It's classy! If I'm going be a tramp I'm going be a classy one." I shot back.

"Ooh. Got buy him dinner before he whores out," Pj joked nudging Dan. I could imagine my cheeks being a tint of red as I laughed at him. "Oh shut it."

The normal conversation continue as said "we're all idiots and probably super gay." Until Pj and Chris had to head out but my parents said I could stay longer. So in turn I did. For the whole night.

Dan and I started playing video games for most of the night. I wrapped my arm around his neck to try cover his eyes and mess him up so I could win Mario Kart. "Hey! This is cheating!" He protested trying to get free.

"Not sorry!" I laughed winning. He elbowed my gut and tackled me but instead fell off the bed pulling me down with him. I laid on top of him and asked if he was okay.

"Dan?" I asked who was just staring at me. He blinked "oh... yeah I'm fine."

I tried got up to be on my knees spread apart on Dan right side and between his legs when his little sister saw us at the door frame. "Dad! Mum! Dan and Phil are being weird again!" She called out running out the room. Dan quickly squirmed out from under me and ran out the room after her.

"Don't you dare say anything, Anne!" He shouted at her. I chuckled and when I stood up Dan's phone went off with a text from Chris. I checked it for him to be not surprised as to what it said.

Chris: Family members over and I'm super bored hElp

He added something after a minute from no answer. I looked up at the door to check if Dan was coming back, I could hear Dan talking to his parents about keeping an eye on Anne.

Chris: you trying romantic phillip??? play piano or some shit for him to get him into the mood ;)

I tossed the phone on bed quickly even though I heard another text be sent. Dan footsteps to the room became clear to hear and I tried to act normal when he came in. "Hell...o?" He stared down at me. I laid on my back with my feet on his bed playing Mario Kart that wasn't even on.

"Ready for another round of losing?" I asked with those texts being a main thought in my head. He chuckled, "like hell I'm losing again to you." He sat down and we went back to playing.

*Dan's POV*

"Dad! Mom! Dan and Phil are being weird again!" Anne called out running to our parents. Quickly I ran after her. "Don't you dare say anything, Anne!"

I ran down the stairs after her while she was giggling all the way. She stopped in front of our parents and I stood behind her with a redden look on my face.

"Phil was on top of Dan! They were playing rough and being weird!" She told them and I picked her up covering her mouth.

"Daniel!" My father called to me. "Put her down. What happened?" My parents had only slight problems with my sexuality. They didn't like me hanging out with boys in my room with the door closed or being girlish, (I paint my nails one time!), and other stuff like that. I didn't mind but than moments like these where just proved they will always pick my little sister's word over mine. Even if I'm telling the truth and she's not!

"We were just messing around. We weren't doing anything!" I explained.

"You know we don't like rough housing," he said. "Are you two dating? He's such a nice boy. We wouldn't mind if you are," mom added and I dropped Anne back on floor.

"Nope. Got to go." I ran back upstairs.

Only if I could've said yes to her.

a.n~ danny getting some pov time now (my most chill fanfic ever)

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