nine music room chatter

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"Okay, so my parents told me that they don't like us hanging out because Dan is gay, Phil is like bi? Pan? Mess within itself-"

"Hey!" Phil tried to shout at Pj while eating crips. "You know it's true," added Chris. We sat in the music room talking before classes started, Pj and Chris on the floor while Phil and I sitting on the piano bench.

"Yeah. And Chris, well, they're fine with him. They just think like, I don't know, they think it's 'contagious' I guess." Pj shrugged with a nervous expression, his hair messy from stress- that came from school work overflowing and this problem.

I felt bad for him but I didn't know what to say. "Listen, if-if you really do feel like you need a break than take it. We won't mind," I said trying be helpful but I wasn't completely sure what I meant. A break from what? Us?

"Speak for yourself!" Chris shot back. "P, we're for you. No matter what, okay?" He took Pj's hand and gave him a hug. You were the last straight one.

"Y-y-yeah..." Pj smiled with red ears. "I just... Boys are super dumb at times but my gosh are they pretty-girls too, right?" I laughed as I felt Phil's hand brush against mine, and then wrapped around my waist. I blushed smiling, finally this is happening. "Totally," Phil said as he looked down at me and I stuck my tongue out at him while smiling.

"Let's just head to class," Pj said getting up from the floor and helping Chris up too. "We'll see you love birds later!" Chris waved walking away with Pj.

"Think they ever get together?" Phil asked me. I shrugged holding his hand until we walked out the music room when two boys that would break our faces if they saw us being together. Him letting go of my hand sent me mixed emotions. Yeah, that was so they wouldn't be jerks to us but also he isn't ready to face the hate. I've faced it for three years, you get use too. Phil hadn't so I didn't let it get to me too much. "See ya, Daniel!" He waved bye to me and I slightly waved back with a smile. I frowned once he turned around.

It's sad, really. To be use to things like people hurting you for who you love. I didn't want Phil to feel that pain and hate.

a.n. i kinda want delete this because only like two people like this story and i rather write something people like soooooo... lets see what happens, i guess. i like having such a chill story so probably not ;) but yeah most likely this will go if it feels like no one wants it, say bye to this in a week or so than!

See ya...

~InventiveAi <3

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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