first hint

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I walked over to a girl that was looking at a book in the store. "So, is there any specific book you would like?" I ask leaning against the shelf in an almost flirty tone using the 0.1% of confidence I could manage to muster up.

She looks at me for a moment and puts back the book slowly saying "my girlfriend is getting one for me." I felt stupid now but do my best to play it off.

"Yeah, well, that's great. I was uh just trying to-to be friendly and all. New in twin-- town I mean and I was... uh" I went from flirty to lying and clumsy in 2.0 seconds, I knocked down some books when putting my arm down and when I bent down to get them another fell on my head. "Are you okay?" I could hear her hold back a giggle when she saw I was indeed alright. "Of course. Yeah. Happens all-all the time." I smile.

"You know, I got say you're not as smooth as I first thought but twice as cute," she gave me a bright smile. At the same moment a girl I didn't even notice walking towards us put her arm around the girl. "Hola babe and boy," she greeted.

They kissed on the cheek "I was just talking." She explained and I gave a small wave to her girlfriend as I was still in fact on my knees with the books loosely in hand. "Nice. Well see ya around" they waved off and I did the same staring at them all the while they left me.

I realized something: flirting is hard.

I put the books back in their maybe rightful place and walked back to my best friends, who where holding in their laughter.

"You call that flirting, Phil?" Pj asked grinning.

"Oh shut it! I did better any of you, at least I was nice about it all." I tried to argue with Pj, Chris, and Dan, my only friends that I could truly count on, that I was a good flirt even if I was also trying convince myself but to no avail. By the end of it I lost as I knew I would and gave up on the whole ordeal.

As we walked home in rows of two, Pj and Chris in front and Dan and I in back, we spoke on various things.

"No way, Chris. Having honey dipping over your nippers would be sweeter and sexier than chocolate!" Dan was saying. Which before anyone asks, Pj was the one that brought it up and it was Chris and Dan who were going at it.

Finally, I put my two-bits in. "Why not make a delicious mix? Or like have one person with chocolate and one with honey and let it mix while they're at it. Though, I don't think that be quite as good but I think it's worth a shoot." The three looked at me, than each other, and than bust out laughing. Soon I found myself laughing along.

"We're literally a group of idiots," Pj giggled. "I forgot what I even said to start this!"

The debate ended with my added part being the winner. See, compromise is always the answer.

When we got started walking again Dan asked in a shush voice, "want try it out together? No homo though." At that moment in time I took it as a joke and laughed it off replying with "it be too sticky." But it was actually the first signs of many that one of my best friends had a crush on me.

Dan Howell, what can I even say to you?

a.n~this was dumb but whatever ill make it cute for you guys to hopefully enjoy

lock our love away; phan Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu