Chapter Three

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I had never felt more nervous than I did when Rikimaru and I walked into the hospital.

Which was ridiculous in itself. I have faced dozens of bosses, but the prospect of a hospital freaked me out.

I shook my head, trying to rid myself of any thoughts. If I was going to do this, I just had to go for it. I could waste any time hesitating.

Rikimaru noticed my panic and grabbed my hand, giving it a squeeze. I smiled at him gratefully as we entered the room we would be using.

There were three beds with three different game systems against the wall. Kirito was already on the first bed, frowning as a nurse hooked him up. I approached the second bed, climbing in without a second thought.

Instead of moving to the third bed, Rikimaru came to my side first. He bent over me to grab the gear. As he started hooking me up, I watched him.

"You'll be okay." He whispered low enough, so that only I heard it.

I found that I couldn't speak. I nodded instead, and he finished, before bending over and giving me one last kiss. He finally moved onto the last bed and hooked himself up to the system before laying down.

I closed my eyes, taking a nervous breath. Kikuoka had told us that all of our skills from ALO would be transferred, but nothing else. I couldn't help but feel unprepared.

But I knew I had to do this.


When I opened my eyes, I couldn't help but gasp at the drastic change. Kirito and Rikimaru appeared next to me, but I didn't look at them, instead taking in the scenery.

This is hell.

That is the only way I can think to effectively explain GGO. It was dark and dismissal, with clouds as far as the eye could see and tall angular buildings.

"I think it's safe to say we aren't in ALO anymore." Kirito sighed.

I finally turned to face him and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Kirito's hair had elongated, and his figure was more feminine. He looked like a girl.

My outburst had brought Rikimaru's eyes over and he started laughing as soon as he had caught sight of Kirito as well. I doubled over in laughter.

"What?!" Kirito demanded.

"Y-Your avatar!" Rikimaru gasped in between guffaws.

Kirito's face scrunched up in confusion, and he raced over to a nearby building to look at his reflection in the window. He gaped at his appearance, shocked. We moved over to stand next to him as a man came up to Kirito.

"Holy bazongas! That's the F1300 model, isn't it!? That avatar is so rare I've only ever heard about it till now! I want it! I'll give two mega credits you for that account! Come! Lady? What do you say?" The man exclaimed in a rush.

I laughed harder, having to lean against the wall for support.

"L-Lady?!" Kirito stuttered. He grabbed his chest, sighing in relief when he found no breasts. He turned back to face the man, "Hate to break it to you guy, but I'm a guy too."

"Holy crap! Then, that means you've got M9000 model! I'll give you four. No! Five for it! Sell it to me! Come on! Sell it to me!"

"Sorry, but this is a default avatar, it's a converted one. I can't exchange it for cash." Kirito explained, growing red.

The man sulked away, disappointed. I giggled some more and Kirito turned to glare at me.

"At least I don't have pink hair!" He snapped, glaring at me.

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