Chapter Thirteen

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"I guess I'll keep you alive." Death Gun announced.

I couldn't take my eyes away from the blood on my hands. My head was pounding; my ears were ringing. I couldn't seem to focus for the life of me.

My pink hair trailed down on either side of my face, the tips trailing in the blood. Finally, I was able to tear my eyes away from the scene. I looked around for Death Gun, but he had seemed to disappear again.

I felt suffocated, and without another word or thought, I lurched to my feet, swaying uneasily. I stumbled away, feeling numb. The desert air whirled around me, sand flying into my eyes and my hair whipping around violently.

I don't know how long I walked, but I was out of it enough that I hadn't noticed someone pointing a gun at me until I ran into the barrel.

I didn't have much of a reaction. I'm going to guess it was because of the shock of killing a man. Funny how traumatizing that could be.

I stared at the man in front of me, the barrel pressed against my chest. He seemed confused about my lack of response, but didn't flinch away.

"You're the one who has been going around taking everyone out."

It wasn't a question.

"Imagine everyone's reactions when I remove you from the arena!" He exclaimed, proudly, "I would then be the most dangerous person here!"

A bitter laugh escaped my throat at that statement. Not even close.

"I could take you out right now!"

"Do it."

I wasn't sure if I was calling his bluff, or sincerely asking him to get me out of this arena. It could have been both, for all I know.

Either way, he lowered his gun, confusion coating his face. He didn't seem to know how to react to that. He stood there for a long time, just gaping at me. His mouth opened as if he was about to say something, but he snapped it shut just as fast.

I looked down at my hands. They weren't bloody anymore, but I felt as if I could still feel the liquid. I clenched my hands into fists, and closed my eyes.

"Are you okay?"

Those three words seemed to tip me over the edge. A sob ripped itself out of my throat, and tears brimmed over onto my cheeks. My whole body shuddered, and I fell forward. The man dropped his gun in order to steady me.

I hadn't been expecting such kindness, but I gratefully leaned into his arms. He rubbed my back awkwardly, trying to offer any sort of comfort.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I hiccuped. I was sure I was barely making sense, but he didn't seem to mind.

"You need it."

"But I don't deserve it."

He didn't seem to have an answer to that. He stayed quiet, but I could feel the tension in his muscles. I finally pulled away, reaching up to wipe my face clean.

"I'm sorry." I muttered, looking away from him.

He didn't answer, seeming to know how embarassed I was. We stood there, silently, the wind whistling around us. Neither of us really knew what we were going to do.

"I'm Harumi." I said, holding out my hand to shake.

He snorted, and shook my hand with his own, before saying, "I'm Daisuke."

"Nice to meet you."

He burst out laughing, seemingly unable to hold back his amusment. I rolled my eyes, but I have to admit, I had to chuckle a little bit. It seemed weirdly normal after everything that has happened.

"Why are you so upset?" He finally asked.

"It's....yeah, it's nothing."

"It's obviously something." He retorted, rolling his eyes.

"Nothing important."

He knew I was lying. I could see it in his face. However, he didn't say anything, no matter how curious he was. And he was definitely curious.

"You're a good listener." I told him, smirking.

He laughed, shoving me playfully, before saying, "I've heard that."

We fell silent again, unsure of what to say. It was awkward, and we couldn't help but shuffle our feet in the sand.

"I...I should go." He finally muttered, taking a step backwards.

"What? You have a hot date?" I teased, smirking.

"My wife said she'd give me a little surprise tonight -- if you know what I mean." He chuckled, winking. He paused, "Well, if I win."

He looked to me again, as if he was just remembering that he should be shooting me. He glanced at his gun, and then back at me.

I held my hands up in a mock defensive position. He rolled his eyes, but seemed oddly tense.

"I'll give you a five minute head start." He announced, offering me a weak smile.

I can take him out before one minute is up.

I was startled by my thoughts, but I knew it was for the best. The sooner I took hum out, the sooner he is out of Death Gun's reign of terror.

We didn't say goodbye. All he did was nod his head, before whirling around and racing away. I pulled out my gun, shouldering it. I took aim, breathing in.

I tried to remember that I wouldn't actually kill him, if I shot him right now.

I pressed my cheek to the metal, and tightened my trigger finger, but before I could shoot, Daisuke crumpled, a Disqualified flag popping up over his body.

I frowned, searching the horizon to find the shooter. I could feel a lump growing in my throat.

"Please don't let it be Death Gun." I muttered under my breath, "Please, please, please don't let it be Death Gun."

Finally my eyes landed on a sniper a hundred yards away. I narrowed my eyes, pulling my gun up again. I shot him without another thought, and remembered that I had actually saved him in a way.

Now Death Gun can't get to him.

I sighed in relief, and turned away. I needed to find Kirito and Sinon.

Maybe if I disqualify them, Death Gun will let me be.

It was a dangerously hopeful thought, but I had to do something.

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