Chapter Five

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I gripped my scythe, crouching low to the ground. I narrowed my eyes, checking out the arena. It was an overgrown city. Buildings were crumbling everywhere, and long vines were climbing up the walls.

I can work with this.

I listened closely for any sound of Rikimaru approaching me. I heard someone inhale and I whirled around, swinging my scythe up to block the bullets that Rikimaru had shot in my direction.

"Nice try, honeybunch." I said, smirking.

"It's still early, sweetcheeks."

I folded my scythe up smoothly and shot my own bullets in his directions. He went to dodge, but some of the bullets grazed him. I smirked again and rolled to take cover behind a single wall.

I pressed my back up against the cool stone, bringing my gun close to my chest.

I could see the audience just outside the force field around the arena. They were watching and murmuring uneasily. I frowned.

What was going on with them?

Distracted by the audience, I didn't notice Rikimaru until a spray of bullets showered down above my head. I narrowed my eyes, pulling away from the wall to glare at him.

"You missed on purpose!" I accused, propping my hands on my hips.

"Did not!" He exclaimed, but his smirk ruined the effect of it.

I narrowed my eyes and swung my gun up to shoot some bullets in his direction. He dodged, rolling to the side. On the last roll, he got on his feet, a smirk on his face.

"You're so hot when you're trying to kill me." He called, sending me a wink.

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't hold back the blush. I couldn't help but wonder if the crowd got the audio. I shot at him again, and one hit him in the shoulder.

He pouted, "Babe, that hurt."

"It's called tough love!"

In reply, he shot me in the thigh. I narrowed my eyes at him, a frown on my face.

"Don't worry! I'll kiss it later!"

My cheeks grew bright red and I could hear gasps from the crowd.

It looks like they have audio!

"Rikimaru!" I scolded.

He just gave me a crooked smile.

I unfolded my scythe and jumped forward, swinging it in his direction. He ducked, before letting out a spray of bullets, which I blocked just in time with the blade. I whirled, folding up the scythe and shooting at him. Our bullets met in the middle and exploded.

The explosion was surprisingly big, and I cried out as I was flung backwards. I slammed into a wall behind me and crumpled to the ground.


Within seconds he had raced over and I was in his arms. He looked down at me, his eyes worried.

"You're supposed to be trying to kill me, you know." I told him.

He let out a sigh of relief, and shook his head before saying, "It was too fast. You're supposed to be more entertaining to fight."

I let out a laugh and he smiled down at me.

"I'll give you a five second headstart." I announced sitting upright.





"Stop counting, or--"


He lunged forward and kissed me. I gasped and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. I leaned into him and he smiled against my lips.

When he finally pulled away, he was grinning. I was breathing hard and I could hear the crowd rumbling in shock.

"What was that for?" I asked finally.

"It got you to shut up, didn't it?" He laughed, winking at me.

I narrowed my eyes, and before he could do anything, I had swung my scythe up and held it up against his neck. I rolled us over so I was straddling his hips, my blade at his neck. I kicked his hand, making him drop his gun, before I kicked it away from us.

He was still smirking up at me. He hands moved to hold my thighs.

"Stop!" I hissed, my cheeks growing red, "The crowd is watching!"

"Let them watch!" He then raised his voice so that he was yelling, "Yeah, that's right! This girl is mine!" -- he looked up at me again, lowering his voice until only I could hear him -- "And I am hers."

"This really isn't the time." I scolded, but the smile that grew on my face gave away my true emotions.

"What are you waiting for? Kill me." He sighed, waiting.

"I can't." I whispered.

He looked up at me, his expression curious.

"I can't kill you, even if it's fake." I told him, looking away. "Especially you."

I don't think I could kill anybody. I've never killed anybody before, despite the fact that most SAO survivors have. Everyone had run-ins with Laughing Coffin members, and the only way that would stop them was death. But despite this, I have managed to never kill anyone.

Rikimaru had once.

A Laughing Coffin member had broken into our house, in an attempt to murder us. We had gained a lot of respect in the game by then, and we were considered a threat. So Rikimaru did the only thing he could do to keep us safe.

He still had nightmares about it.

His thumbs started rubbing my skin, comforting me. He knew exactly what I was thinking about. We didn't talk much about those years in the game, but at night, when we had the nightmares, we were always there for each other.

"I'll surrender."

"Rikimaru, don't do th--"

Before I had even finished my protest, he had surrendered, disappearing from underneath me. The horns went off that signaled my victory, and I was transported out of the arena.

Rikimaru was waiting for me back in the commons room. I marched up to him, a frown on my face.

"You let me win!" I accused.

He grabbed the leather straps on either side of my hips and pulled me into his chest. I wasn't really upset and we both knew it.

We stood there for a minute, before I noticed Kirito out of the corner of my eyes. I pulled away and moved to join him, Rikimaru following behind me.

I frowned when I saw Kirito's troubled expression.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my gut tightening in dread.

"I think...I think I just met Death Gun."

After he dropped that bomb, he was transported into his next battle, leaving us behind.

Death Gun is here.

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