Chapter Four

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"You seriously need to chill."

"I can't chill! Look! It's also a gun!" I exclaimed.

After Kirito had won all the money, we had immediately rushed to buy our weapons. At the market place, there had been hundreds of choices, but we all knew immediately what we wanted.

Kirito had gotten a small gun, and a photon sword. Rikimaru had gotten a massive machine gun, which was a bit surprising after all of his time with blades. And I had been ecstatic when I saw my weapon.

It was a scythe that could be folded up into a gun.

It was seriously the best thing I could have ever owned.

I turned to face the girl, a wide grin on my face and said, "Thank you!! You're the best!"

"I was happy to help. There aren't any girl players here. I wasn't doing anything, so it was a great way to kill some time before prelims." She replied, sending both Kirito and I a wink.

I giggled. She still thought he was a girl.

"Wait. You're gonna competing in BoB too?" Rikimaru asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh-huh. I was on my way to sign up before..." She failed off, turning to look at a clock, "Oh my god! They're closing soon!"

"R-Really!? I'm so sorry! It's my fault if you're late." Kirito exclaimed.

"No, it's mine for not keeping track of the time. Let's hurry!" She yelled.

We all took off, racing towards the governor's building. I couldn't help but start to laugh as we ran. The silliness of all of this was getting to me.

"We're never gonna make it! Can we just teleport over there?" Kirito demanded in between pants.

"I wish! That only happens when you re-spawned at revival point after you die! And, we can't suicide ourselves to get there either because, in town, our HP never goes down! The governor's office is three kilo-meters away... It's gonna take up five minutes to sign up, so we have to get there in three!"

We all ran a bit faster at her words, but suddenly Kirito veered away. I looked over and saw the rental buggies. I laughed again, following after him.

Kirito slapped his hand to the console and paid for it, before hopping on one of them. I followed after him, sliding in next to him. The girl jumped in the back and Rikimaru slid in next to her.

Kirito stepped on the gas and we took off, racing in the direction of the offices.

We barely made it, but soon we were racing into the building.

After we signed up, we met up in the commons room.

"Thank you so much for all your help today. Sorry for the trouble." I said, putting on a grateful smile.

"No worries. That crazy ride on the buggy is more than made up for it. Anyway, which block did you end up with for prelims?" The girl asked, raising an eyebrow.

"F, I guess. F-37." Kirito said.

"I got E." I answered.

"Hey, me too!" Rikimaru said. I turned to grin at him, and he narrowed his eyes, before saying, "You're going down, babe."

"Fat chance!" I laughed, "I can kick your ass any day!"

"Ten bucks I win!"

"You're on!"

He grinned, and pulled me in for a kiss. He grabbed my jacket in his fists to pull me closer.

"How long have you two been together?" The girl asked, giving us a curious look.

"Three-ish years." I replied.


"It's complicated." Rikimaru sighed.

"Oh...Well, okay." She turned to look at Kirito, "I'm in F too, so we will face each other eventually." -- she turned to lead the way -- "Let's go. We need to get ready."

We followed her down some stairs. She started heading into a room and Kirito followed. I was about to go in, when Rikimaru pulled me back.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He silently pointed to the sign above the door way which said Women.

I started laughing, and hurried in. I wasn't going to miss this for the life of me. When I walked in, the girl had her shirt off already. Kirito was blushing bright red. She turned around to look at him, a frown on her face.

"Don't stand there. Hurry up and change already."

"Eh...Yes! I mean, I can't! I mean! I can't change now! I-I mean...I...I'm sorry!"

I burst out laughing, but they both ignored me.


"I haven't introduced myself! This is who I really am!" Kirito exclaimed, pulling up his menu.

"Kirito... huh, well, it's an interesting name? I'll give you that... Wait!? Male!?" She shrieked, growing red, "Bu, ah, you... you are... You kidding! No way! You are a guy!? With that avatar?!"

She promptly kicked him out, before turning to me, her eyes livid.

"And you?!" She demanded, narrowing her eyes.

"100% female, don't worry!" I laughed, doubling over.

I calmed down a bit, before saying, "I'm Harumi, by the way."


We both quickly changed, and left the room. Rikimaru was waiting outside with Kirito at his side. I burst out laughing again as Sinon stormed away and Kirito followed after her.

I moved to wrap my arm around Rikimaru's waist and we started walking after then more slowly. We were led to an area filled wih sofas. Screens were hung up on the walls, so we could watch the matches.

Kirito and Sinon were arguing in the corner, and we watched them silently as we sank into a couch.

"When are we up?" I asked after a couple of minutes.

Kirito was teleported into his battle and appeared on the TV.

"Well, we were up after him, so as soon as he's done."

"You sure you'll be able to fight me without wimping out?" I teased, narrowing my eyes playfully.

"Don't worry about me, babe. I'm not letting you win."

I smiled at him and said, "That's why I love you."

He leaned down to kiss me, pulling me close. Horns blared and we looked up to see that Kirito had won his battle.

"Well, this is it." I sighed, climbing to my feet.

"Try not to get killed."

"Then try not to kill me."

"Are you kidding? I've got ten bucks on this battle, I'm going to try to kill you."

"Aw, you're so sweet!" I cooed, standing up on my tip toes to kiss his cheek.

"I try."

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