Little Red Stiles (Sterek)

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There once live a boy at the edge of the woods, and he lived happily with his father. He used to live with his mother, but she grew sick and died, and the boy was very sad. His name was Stiles and he always wore a red hood. It was a gift from his father, something that he had to save for with his small paycheck, and Stiles loved it. He never took it off, except of course to clean it, and he wore it wherever he need it. "Okay, Stiles. Take this basket to your grandmother's. Don't walk away from the path and don't talk to strangers." John tells him, running his hand through his hair.

Stiles smiles at him as he nods, taking the basket and he grins at him, and he moves to walk out. "I will. Bye, Dad. I love you. I'll be careful, Dad." Stiles assures him, he's walked this trail over and over again so he knows, and he accepts a hug from his father before he goes. "I'll be back tomorrow." He says, and John nods as he watches him go.

Stiles skips down the trial, humming under his breath with a happy tune, and he stops walking when he comes across a pretty flower. Stiles bends down to pick it up, looking at it before he puts it into his basket so he can take it to his grandmother for a gift. She loves flowers, and Stiles picks another before he hears something. Stiles turns his head, wondering if it's just an animal since there is hardly ever another person on this trail, and he looks around. "Hello? Stiles asks, looking around. He doesn't see anything at first, not until there is another sound of rustling, and he sees a man. It's not an ordinary looking man, he's tall and his teeth look incredibly sharp. "Oh. Hi." Stiles says, smiling.

"Hello, little red." He says, and he paces around Stiles. It doesn't make him nervous, not since he's not blocking Stiles' path, and Stiles smiles walks passed him down the road. It's not until Stiles walks around him does he sees that the man has a tail and wolf ears, how odd Stiles thinks, and he waves. "What's the basket?" He asks him, following after him.

"Food. Are you hungry?" Stiles says, and the man-wolf nods his head. Stiles grins as he hands him something to eat, watching him devour it, and he stops walking to watch him. "What's your name, wolf?" Stiles asks, reaching to pet his tail. The man curls his tail around himself, but it unravels towards Stiles' hand on its own.

"Derek." He tells him, making Stiles smile. "Where are you going? All the way down the trial?" He asks him, wiping his mouth off from the delicious food that he was just given. He was really hungry, and he's glad that the nice boy shared. Stiles nods his head, gesturing to where he was going, and Derek nods. He's heard that an old, kind witch lived there and it wouldn't be surprising that Little Red was related to her. "What is your name, little red?" He asks him, realizing that he hadn't got it yet. He knew of the boy, everyone knew of the boy in the red hood, but he liked his voice.

"My name is Stiles. You should come with me." Stiles asks him, watching the sun begin to go down. He felt safe with the wolf-man, and he need protection. Derek smiles at him, his sharp teeth not scaring Stiles in the least, and he nods his head. "Wonderful!" Stiles says, smiling at him before he begins to skip off. Derek watches him, letting him get farther ahead, before he runs after him. He wouldn't let anything happen to the sweet boy in the red hood.

Requested by: hburns14

Artist: Unknown

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