Kid!Fic (Sterek)

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"No, Derek! Let's play!" Stiles says, jumping around in his fox onesie that is his favorite. His mother hates dressing him in it since he wears it all the time. John just puts him in it so he won't cry, Stiles isn't above throwing a tantrum over it, and he stands up and toddles over to Derek. He knows that his mother said not to bother Derek, that he's a big boy that might not want to play with Stiles since he's so young, but Stiles is lonely and wants a friend. "Derek. Play with me! I'm telling." Stiles says, his bottom lip wobbling some as he looks at him.

Derek isn't looking at him, he's facing the wall of his room with his arms crossed over his chest with a pout, and he doesn't look up. Claudia's son is a baby, and Derek doesn't understand why he has to entertain him while his Mommy talks to Claudia. He's a big boy, he's already four, and he'd rather be playing with his sister. "Don't tell." Derek huffs, turning towards Stiles. "What do you want to play?" He asks him, sighing. He's sure it's a baby game, but Stiles just looks happy that Derek is talking to him.

"Foxies and wolfies!" Stiles declares, climbing atop Derek's bed. Derek sighs as he goes to follow him, his pajamas have a tail and hood like a wolf so he knows why Stiles would want to play that. "You be wolf. I be fox." Stiles says, tugging on the tail on his onesie. Derek nods his head as he thinks about it. He doesn't want to jump on Stiles, he'll get in a lot of trouble if he makes Stiles cry even on accident, and he bats at the tail to try to play that way. It seems to be all the entertainment that Stiles needs since he bursts into giggles before jumping around on the bed. "Jump!" Stiles shouts, hopping up and down away from Derek.

Derek shakes his head firmly, trying to get Stiles' hand to drag him to the bed, and he frowns. "No jumping. You'll get hurt." Derek says, firmly as he looks at him. It doesn't seem to discourage or stop Stiles from jumping around, he's a ball of energy, and Derek frowns before he lays on his side. "Wolfie sleeping." Derek says, shutting his eyes and he hugs his tail to him.

Stiles makes a loud gasp, like he's personally offended that Derek would sleep, and he shakes Derek with his little hands. "Up, Wolfie! Up!" He yells, shaking him but Derek continues to feign sleep. Stiles pouts and he pulls on the fake wolf tail, he seems to immediately regret it since he mumbles apologies over and over. "Sorry, Wolife. I sleep too." Stiles says, curling up behind Derek before shutting his eyes. He is actually tired, all that jumping plus the excitement of being with his friend wears him out, and Derek opens his eyes to look at him.

"Night night, fox." Derek says, realizing that he's tired too. He decides that it's better to nap with company, because that's what wolves do, and he closes his eyes with a sleepy yawn.

Requested by: Whovian0499
Artist: orig15

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