Chapter 1:The Scent Of Ozone

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So, Hi. I just decided to make this a story anyway. This will be my first. The chapters will be short, but I will try my best anyway. Anyway, lets go!

August/17/2001/3:33 PM /3rd PoV

A young raven-haired boy was walking through the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens with his mother. His mother was gorgeous, it was obviously shown she had aged beautifully. The pair had decided to take a break from the beer filled house. The disgusting step father of the young child had took a 'vacation', which meant he left to gamble for the weekend. The young boy was gawking at the natural beauty of the gardens, while his mother was looking around, obviously nervous but she hid it from her child. The gorgeous gardens had been empty, and the sky was clouding up. The boy, whose name was Perseus, turned to his mother. The eight year old looked at his mother, and questioned her. "Mommy, what's wrong?" Perseus asked,his sea green eyes filled with concern. The mother replied smoothly, "No, nothing's wrong Percy. How about we head home and I read you another story about Poseidon?" She said, tempting him with one of his favorite myths, the ones of the sea, and the god Poseidon. The green eyes of the child lit up. "Yes please!" He said, practically dragging his mother to the exit of the garden. All of a sudden, a clap of thunder rang out. It was loud, and close. Sally, Perseus' mother, stopped in her tracks, as she realized, that this wasn't a normal storm. "Percy," The mother grabbed the child quickly. "Do you know all of those myths I tell you at night? The ones with Achilles and Heracles?" The child nodded, surprised by his mothers scared tone, and the terrified look in her normally mirth-filled blue eyes. "They are real." She said, dropping a bombshell into the child's world. As soon as she said those three words, thunder clapped, close, seemingly right above them. "You are Poseidon's son! Go! Run to the sea! And remember, that I love yo-" The mother could not finish her sentence, as the wind picked up, and his mothers hair started to float, the air filled with static. His mother's hair was on end, as if someone had rubbed a balloon on her head, and the scent of ozone was thick. In a last effort, the mother pushed her son, as far away as she could. The child was mortified, as he witnessed his mother being struck by a massive bolt of lightning. He could see his mother light up, the burns stretching through out her body. He was blinded for five seconds, and was very dizzy. When he could see again, he heard another thunder clap. He was confused, mortified, and his mind was in a flurry of emotions, but one thing-no, one person stabilized his thoughts. He heard the voice of a man, the voice was comforting, kind, but strong. That voice had saved his life, with three words. "Run my son." He heard, and he did such. He ran, the voice giving him directions, and strength. He ran, and he didn't look back, not once.   

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