Chapter 7

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      Allie was standing on the porch when she saw someone walking towards the house. She grabbed the shotgun, and tucked the butt of it into her right shoulder, ready to lift it and fire if she needed to.

     "What you gon' do, shoot me?" Allie smiled as T-Dog came into a clearer view. Her smile faded though, as she saw the worried look on his face.

     "What's wrong?" She asked. He looked at her, looked through the windows toward where Hershal was sitting, then looked back at her.

     "We didn't see shit."

   "Well we did." Glenn said, startling Allie. He had walked up behind her. Allie turned around just in time to see Daryl walk through the screen door, letting it slam behind him. He motioned for the two to follow him inside. They walked through the door, Allie watching Daryl out of the corner of her eye. He was pacing like a caged animal, watching through the windows, scanning everything. What was he so worried about? What had they found?

     Glenn cleared his throat. "Hm hmm." Everyone stopped and looked at him.

     "We, uh, well, um, we walked in the direction that Shane said Randal had taken him, but even with Daryl tracking we didn't see anything to say they had been there."

     "So what does that mean?" Lori asked, concern rising in her voice.

     "We came back to the farm, and Daryl found where Randal and Shane had actually gone in, and we found something...." his voice trailed off, letting everyone's minds run wild.

     "We found Randal. He was a walker. Cept he didn't have no bite. His neck was broke." Daryl cut in.

     "So, did, did he fall? Or what? Why would Shane lie about that?" Andrea cut in, her face becoming red.

     "Cause I think Shane killed the fucker. Took him out there, broke his neck, and made it look like he was the one who was attacked." Daryl cut in, his voice rising in anger.

    "How do you know that?? You DONT know that!" Andrea yelled.

     Daryl buffed his shoulders up and got in the blondes face. "Cause I found tha damn tree he broke his fuckin' nose on. I saw where he had been walkin ba-hind Randal, his feet are bigger and they were on top a' tha smaller ones. I found the kid with his fuckin neck broke. The mother fucker lied ya dumb bitch, cause he wanted ta get Rick out there. Alone."

     "Oh my gosh!" Lori cried out, falling into the couch. "He's jealous. Of Rick. Because of me." Daryl looked over at Lori and snorted.

     He then looked over at Allie, but she quickly looked out the window, hoping and praying that Rick would be there, safe from Shane. She didn't see him though, but something else caught her eye. She didn't say anything, but slowly walked over to the window, then gasped and walked out the door.


     Daryl watched Allie walk out of the door onto the porch, so did everyone else. What was she looking at, what had she seen? He walked through the door behind Hershal, Glenn, and Maggie. He saw Allie looking out into the shadowy, moonlit pastures to the east, behind the barn. He was straining his eyes, then he saw it. Walkers. Hundred of them, no, thousands.

    "Oh shit!" Glenn said, grabbing Maggie and pulling her to him. "We need to get all the guns. Here." Hershal said, shoving a rifle in Daryl's hands.

      "We need ta leave." T-Dog said, his panic showing in his voice.

     "We'll protect my farm for as long as we can, then we'll go." Hershal said, his stern voice bringing a sense of calmness to the group.

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