Chapter 6

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       Daryl's fist landed against the boys temple. "Where's your group?" He asked again, his voice deep and intimidating. The boy looked up at him and squinted.

       "I'm not going to hurt you!" The boy insisted again. Daryl believed the kid, but he could tell that the dumbass was still hiding something from him. Daryl took a deep breath and turned around, pacing back and forth while he tried to come up with a new strategy. He had an idea. He turned and faced the wall of the shed, the boy to his back.

       "Ya know kid, there's more people out there, in this group, that wants whatever information that you got stuck up in ya little head. And they're willing to do a lot more than beat the shit outta ya ta get it." Daryl glanced behind him and saw that the kid was listening intently. Daryl turned to face him.

       "What..what do you mean?" The kid stammered. Daryl chuckled.

       "What I mean is that we got a guy out there, Shane, who wants to peel your skin off, little by little. The ONLY reason he hasn't yet is ba-cuz of Rick." Daryl turned around fast and leaned over the boy, slamming his fists onto the arms of the chair he was tied to, getting in the kids face.

       "And then we got this other guy, T-Dog."

       "The black guy?" The kid stammered. Daryl nodded.

       "Yeah. He had this, fettish, before the world went to shit. Still has it. Thing is, now boys like you are hard to find." Daryl watched the kids face go white, realization kicking in.

       The kid swallowed hard. Daryl saw fear in his eyes. "Rick will protect ya, as long as ya tell us what we want ta know. Whatever Rick tells them guys, they do. But Rick's growin' impatient. I am too."

     He watched the kid's eyes sweep from side to side, panic rising in him. Daryl knew the kid was about to give up whatever information he had. Daryl slammed his hands down on the arms of the chair, pushing the kid backwards, his chair tipping away from Daryl.

     "So," Daryl growled, "tell me what ya know. Cause T-Dog is-"

     "My group is hiding in Waynesborrow! The, the guys in our group do bad things to women they find! But I never touched anyone, I swear!" His panicked eyes were wide and he was staring at Daryl. "I swear man, I aint ever hurt no woman! My group used to have these guys in it though, that held this girl captive. When we found out about it, they ran off with her, kept her in some house."

     Daryl's heart stopped for a second. "What did tha girl look like?" The boy didn't answer. Daryl got in his face, his right hand clenched around the boys throat. "What did she look like?!" He yelled, his spit hitting the boys face.

     "I don't know, I swear! I never saw her! I only saw they guys that were holding her!" The kid squeaked out. "It was a marine guy, him and a few other guys that were in the service together. That's all I know! I swear!"

     Daryl turned around and slammed his fist against the wall. This kid was part of the group that hurt Allie. Daryl swung around, his temper getting the best of him. His right fist landed on the kids cheek, followed by his lift fist to the other side of the kids face. He hit him with his right fist again, but before he could hit his again with his left, he was tackled to the floor. He was still seeing red and spitting out every curse word he knew when he realized it was Rick that had tackled him. He was yelling something at Daryl, but Daryl couldn't make out what it was. He fought against Rick as he dragged him outside. He watched Shane slam and lock the door, and Rick let go of him. Daryl jumped to his feet and began to pace, biting his nail and huffing, trying to get the red he was seeing out of his vision.

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