chapter 17 Content.

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"Alex,"Jade hisses pulling my attention back. My mouth opened as my decision for my future was made.

"I..."I hesitated.."I Love you Jade." the frown on Jades face turning into a winning smile. 

"But I can't marry you,"

"I won't marry you."I said more firmly. Jades eye's filled with anger as I stepped away from her slowly. "You're not the one I want, the one I need,"

I turned my back on Jade as I walked towards Colt my feet moving faster and faster until I was almost breaking into a run, once I reached Colt I felt safe, I felt at home. 

"Hey there princess,"Colt whispered smiling down at me, but not the winning smile Jade had shown when she thought she had me but a loving smile, Colt didn't want me, she needed me like I needed her, she loved me like I loved her. Jade wanted to own me. 

"NO!"Jade suddenly screamed. "You will not do this to me! you are mine!"Jade growled making her way towards us, her eye's showing she wasn't going to lose her 'trophy' without a fight. But before Jade could reach us she landed on her back on the floor. 

Gasps filled the church as Jade hit the floor.

"That's for hurting my daughter, you bitch."My dad growled down at her. I stood frozen in shock at the events that just happened. My father, my old frail father, just punched my abusive ex-girlfriend, in the face. 

"Well done sir, couldn't have done it any better myself!"Colt spoke proudly to him before turning to look at me again. 

Colt took my hands in hers, a small but loving smile on her face as she leaned down to kiss me, I closed my eye's as I leaned up to meet her lips..this moment was perfe-

"Hey! Get you're lips away from my daughter!"My dad shouted ruining the moment as he walked towards us, Colt automatically backing away but keeping our hands locked together. 

"Sorry sir."Colt apologized but she couldn't hide the smirk on her face. "Let's go home shall we?"Colt led us out the church as the whispers started, but I couldn't care what everyone was saying. I had the one person in the world that I wanted, that I loved. 

I was happy. 

"ALEX!"Alec suddenly appeared infront of us. "You choose mummy!"Alec wrapped his hands around my dress, aiming for my leg but the dress was that damn big it was the only thing he could grab. 

"Jenna.."Colt sighed as Jenna walked round the corner

"Sorry but..he bit me. AGAIN,"Jenna glared at Alec. "So have you told Alex the news?"

"What news?"I look at Colt curiously

"Alec is offically allowed to stay with me forever, with us forever."

"You won the case?"I squeal "That's amazing!"

"Looks like everything is working out huh?"Colt flashes her heart stopping smirk as her arm slides around my waist. 

"Let's go home."




"I do,"I Spoke proudly 

"I do,"Alex smiled up at me making the butterflies in my belly worse. 

"I know pronouce you, wife and and wife, you may now kiss you're partner,"

I leaned down my lips meeting Alex's, the crowd clapping. We had done it. We finally made it to where we were always supposed to be. 

With each other. 

"STOP!"Someone shouted I pulled away angrily, looking for the person trying to ruin our wedding. My eyes landed on Jenna. "MY WATERS JUST BROKE."Jenna screamed at me as I look at the puddle beneath her with wide eyes. 

"Alex call an ambulance,"I say urgently making my way over to Jenna who is sitting panting on the church seat. 

"I'm in my wedding dress, where do you want me to pull a phone from, my ass?"Alex snaps as panick sets in. 

"Someone call an ambulance!"I shout to everyone. 

"They are already on their way,"Henry tells me as Jenna grabbed my hand. 

"OWWWWWW!"I shout trying to pull my hand away. 

"Shut up you little bitch,"Jenna screamed at me. "I'm the one pushing a baby out!"

"Josh help please, you're the dad,"I look across to the dark haired, green eyed man who looked like he was two seconds away from fainting. 

"I'll just let you do it,"Josh muttered. 

"We need to get her outside,"Helena spoke calmly "Josh, Colt, you need to help her outside for the ambulance coming,"

"The ambulance has just arrived,"Alex tells us coming back to myside. 

"I don't want to have her in a church, I'm not even religious for christ sake!"Jenna started shouting as the paramedics reached us. 

"It's alright, we are going to get you into hospital, everything will be okay," the blonde haired paramedic told her as she helped get her into a wheel-chair. Everyone followed her outside. "Sorry only family or the father allowed,"The paramedic told us. Josh and I looked at each other. 

"You go, I'll follow behind you."I tell Josh. He steps forwards but I grab his shoulder. "Once you do this, everything changes. So if you have no intention of sticking around or sleeping around, don't you dare  get in that ambulance."I warn him, my eye's boring into his. 

"I love Jenna and my daughter. I promise you that."Josh stared right back at me.

"Then go,"

"Well this is some wedding present,"Alex chuckled as we got in the car. "So where exactly did you expect me to pull a phone out of?"

"I was panicking,"I laugh trying to stay behind the ambulance. 

"I gathered,"Alex smiled across the car at me as she slipped her hand into mine. 


Alex, Mr.Bradley, Henry, Helena, Alec and I all sat in the waiting room anxiously. 

"What is taking so long,"I ask frustrated. 

"They will just be doing some test's to make sure they are both okay,"Helena tried to reassure me. 

"Test's? Why? I never got tested when Alec was born,"My worry grew

"Yes you did, you just can't remember because all you wanted was to sleep,"Helena scolded me. I opened my mouth for a sarcastic reply but before I could Josh came through the hospital doors. 

"Colt, Alex, would you like to come meet you're god-daughter,"Josh grinned at us, I stood up slowly, I had no idea why this was effecting me so much but I was terrified as I made my way through the doors. 

"Hey, guys."Jenna spoke quietly "She's sleeping,"

"So..."I stood awkwardly at the bottom of the bed as Alex made her way to look at the baby. "God-daughter..?"

"Josh you idiot,"Jenna hissed at him. "It was supposed to be a surprise, I'm not religious but Josh is so we were two are the best people we know. so if you're up for it?"Jenna asked nervously

"Of-course,"Alex said happily as she stared down at the baby

"Anything jen,"I agree "So decided on a name yet?"

"Yeah..Carly,"Jenna smiled down at baby Carly, "What do you think?"

I made my way up to look at her baby, my arms wrapping around Alex as we both looked down at her. 

"I think she's perfect,"I whisper finally content. 

I had a beautiful boy, my beautiful Wife, I had my beautiful family. I couldn't ask for more. 

"I love you, Colt."

"I love you, Alex, forever,"



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