chapter 3 hangovers and dreams

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*Alex p.o.v*

boyfriend?! what boyfriend? im a lesbian i dont have a boyfriend why did i even say that?

"alex honey is that you?"my dad calls through from the living room i walk through to see him sitting with a glass of what i presume is whiskey watching the tv with a small smile.

"yeah dad its you doing? have you had dinner?"i ask him as i make my way over beside him.

"oh im alright and yes i had a nice sheperds pie. i thought you were going out with your friends tonight?"

"i was but i decided to come back early they got a bit loud"i tell him "how was mum today?"i ask him watching his reaction carefully

"she...was asleep but i think she is getting better"my dad told me but i could tell he was lying but i just left it at that.

"well im going to go for a shower then bed you need anything before i go?"

"no no im fine you just go have a good sleep"my dad tells me as i lean down to give him a hug

"night daddy love you"i whisper "i love you too baby girl"dad tells me as i pull away going up stairs i strip off my clothes slowly stepping into the nice warm shower letting out a sigh enjoying the water washing over me.

after my shower i change into my penguin pj's what?i like penguins! i slide into my bed flicking my bed side lamp off i turn over on to my side. trying not to think about anything.

*Colts p.o.v

ugh my head hurts so much...i feel something move next to me i roll my head to the side opening my eyes finally i push myself up everything aching my movements causing the person next to me wake up i finally see a girl with long blue hair pop up from my covers.

i look at her as she sits up rubbing her eyes she turns to look at me.

"can you pass me my bra and pants please?"the blue haired girl asks politely i look around quickly grabbing my boxers and a t-shirt throwing them on before crossing the room to pick up the girls underwear the bra lable catches my eye 34c 'not bad' . "thanks"

i stand there awkwardly as the girl put her underwear on i look at everything but her she final stands up off my bed picking up the rest of her clothes. she turns to face me again with a guilty look on her face.

"um last night was really good amasing actually but im not really looking for a relationship right now so..."the girl trails off

"oh thank god i thought you might be one of those girls that gets obsessive or something and uh yeah i enjoyed last night too"okay so the start was truthful but i seriously cannot remember last night but dont want tohurt a girls feelings.

"no your safe well id better get going it was nice meeting you...?"she waited for my name which she either never knew or has forgotten.

"colt...colt black im sorry but your name slipped my mind?"the girl looked at me funny

"jenna clarkson...isnt colt a name for a young boy horse?"the girl named jenna asked sliding on her shoes

"uh yeah parents wanted a boy...i like your hair by the way its...unique"i laugh trying to get off the subject of parents

"okay then you have parent issues...and i know thats all you kept telling me last night you wouldnt leave it alone and i had to stop you from going to the shopd to buy a bottle of hair dye you loved it so much"jenna laughed

"i never said i had parent issues? thank you i love blue and everything but think i like by black hair best"

"no you did say that directly but i can tell by the way you hand twitches and you get this funny tone of voice that tells me everything. and your welcome ill see you later colt"jenna heads for the door but turns around quickly holding a small bit of paper in her hand

"here give me a call sometime even if you just want to talk you seem cool when your soberish"jenna hands me the bit of paper with her number on it before walking out leaving me with a tiny smile on my face until my head starts hurting again back to bed i go.

*Alex p.o.v*

"dad will you be okay for a couple hours?im going to see how mum is doing"i ask him as i watch him slowly walk through the kitchen.

"no no go ahead il be fine but before you go...who is this boy your dreaming off?"my fathers question startled me

"uh dad i dont know what your talking about trust me there are no BOYS in my life or dreams"i tell him im not really out yet iv never really had a big interest in a girl thats worth me actually coming out.  

"well then why did you call colt a smart assed hottie in your sleep last night?" oh im so busted

"oh uh i dont know...actually i dont even remember dreaming last night"my face going red

"mhh well if you are planning on dating him i have to meet him first now off you go"my father dismisses me i run out the door why the hell would i be dreaming of colt? ugh whatever im not going to let her get into my head she has had 12 years to pay attention to me the stupid jackass


yeah i know short but im so tired i might update later today again depends if i can stay awake!

what do you think of jenna do you want to see more of her?

what do you think is wrong with alexs mum?


need to know your opinion :D

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