chapter 2 party!!

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*Alex's p.o.v*

what a douche. what now that i got in a fight with one of the sluts i get noticed and now she wants to 'get to know me'. ugh she annoys me so much like i would actually go to her party where i get sexually harrased by guys then just full out harrased by there girlfriends. stupid ignorant colt black.

"mrs bradley do you have something you want to share with the class?"my physics teacher mr bawldwin stands infront of me

"uh no sir must have been muttering to myself sorry just thinking about stuff ill pay attention now sorry"i mumble looking down he just grunts and walks away.

"okay class i need to go and get some equipment for my after school class since you are all adults now im trusting you to behave in my absence steven your in charge"mr bawldwin leaves the classroom and it errupts with everyone talking i hear someone clear their throat beside me and turn to see mellisa tucker glaring at me.

"what do you want mellisa"i glare right back at her

"i want you to stay away from colt"she hisses at me "colt is mine i saw you to together at lunch and she doesnt need or want you so back off because me and colt are getting married and are going to have a nice family and i wont let you fuck that up so just keep your slutty hands off her"most of the class have stopped and were now looking and whispering about us

"look mellisa"i say firmly standing up "i dont want your stupid idiotic colt black i dont even like her and if she is so intrested in you then why was she inviting me to her party you stupid little skank!"i shout at her causing her to take a step back

"excuse me what is going on in here where is your teacher?"a random teacher asks standing at the door

"nothing just some jealous over reacting skank being a bitch" i say pushing past mellisa and the teacher walking out the classroom 'i cant believe that just happened' 'yeah but your glad it did' 'no im glad i got to shout' 'still you liked it all' 'maybe i should go to colts party just to piss her off' 'or just to get into colt' whoa where did that thought come from?.

i walk down the hall towards my locker i suddenly feel someone walking beside me.

"why do you hate me so much?"colts voice sounds from beside me 'cant she take a hint'

"because your an ignorant pig that thinks she can do anything she wants or who she wants oh and did i forget to mention your a bitch" i smile pleased with myself as i open my locker colt leans against the one beside it looking up at the ceiling

"what makes you so sure?"colt rolls her head round to look at me "why do you think of me that way before today i didnt even know you"

"i just do your the typical stereotype jock who sleeps with every girl breaks there heart then tells there friends about it and acts like a total asshole trust me i know what your like and you did know me iv known you my entire life you just never payed attention cause your such a slut"i slam my locker shut turning away when colt grabs my arm i look into her black eyes that have anger burning in them

"you know nothing about me so stop acting like you do" colt voice is cold she releases my arm turning and stalking off shoving her hands into her pockets

"what a creepy weird day"i say to no one walking out of school well only half an hour left an im so fed up of these stupid bitches my head is killing me.

*Colt's p.o.v*

"colt pass the ball man!"my team mate greg shouts across the pitch i kick the ball over to him but someone from the red team steals it 'asshole' i run after them stealing the ball back i pass the ball to mike and run futher down the pitch close to the goal

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