I looked at the clock on the wall, 3:09, only 1 minuet until the bell rings and i can go home, my professor was mumbling about something or other, where as i was more concerned about what nail Polish would match the dress, i'd got the day earlier at Topshop,finally the bell rang and i was free, i took out my phone and looked at the text i'd gotten some point during my last lesson.
From: Louis,
I'll see you in a bit, apparently the need more photos of us together, Louis
To: Louis
Okay, HD or Phone? El
I put my phone back into my pocket and made sure no one saw what i'd just texted, i mean me and Louis were supposed to look like a real couple. Most people had already gone home, or had late classes, so the hallways were practically empty, i met up with Alana and walked out of the door and through the gates. I stopped at the traffic lights, and felt as tap on my shoulder...
"Erm, thanks i guess"
"Could you sign my one direction book please?" A girl who looked no more than 14 asked me while getting out the Dare to Dream book, i took it out of her hands as well as the pen...
"Whats your Name"
I wrote in the book and handed it back to her, she ran of screaming, don't get me wrong i loved the attention, but it felt wrong i didn't deserve this, i'm just a regular girl from Manchester, things like this don't happen to people like me. I waved Alana of and continued on the 10 minuet journey back to my house . I got out my keys and opened up the door to my flat, I saw Louis sitting on the couch...
"You were supposed to wait for me outside uni"
"Oh sorry, i though you were going to text me latter to tell me when you needed me"
"It's fine, anyways, the camera man is ready when ever you are"
"Can i go and change first?"
"No Eleanor we have to, act like i picked you up from uni, so we're going to go outside to take some photo's and then take some inside"
I picked up my bag and put it on my bag, and tied up my shoes, i got a lipgloss from the window sill and applied it over my lips, before placing it back.
"Right come on then"
I walked outside, Louis following behind me, the camera man had gone to the second set of traffic lights that i passed on my usual journey home, to make it more natural and if anyone else saw us a got a quick snap it wouldn't look set up. we walked just behind him and followed his instructions.
"Eleanor hold hands with Louis and Louis smile like you're with Harry"
We got into position and got ready to walk, the camera man had hidden himself so no one could see him, and began snapping away, we walked across the road, while looking at each other pretending to be in love, after that was done, we went back to mine, the camera man was setting up in the garden while i went to change, i got out a black striped crop top and a white skirt, i wasn't wearing any make up apart from he nude lip gloss i'd applied before, i got out my makeup bag and put on some concealer, eyeliner and blush, and wen't downstairs ready to go...
"Louis do we really need more photos"
"Look El i know you don't like this, but neither do i, okay and the only reason i agreed to pretend to be your boyfriend is because i didn't want to hurt harry"
We went out to the garden, where the camera man was setting up he had some party bubbles on the table and a giant plastic pool on the grass.
"Right Eleanor Modest! want you to act like you've taken these yourselves so I'm going to use a low quality camera, i want you to blow the bubbles into each other, while i snap away"
I got the bubbles of the table and got into position, i opened the lid and started blowing, acting like i was having fun, i mean i was but me and Louis were just friends.
"That's good, right now Louis i want you to pick Eleanor up while she's blowing the bubbles"
I got ready for the thumbs up already leaving the bubble bottle on the table, holding the wand in my hands, Louis grabbed me close to him, smiling at me while i blew the bubbles, we did this about 5 times until he was completely satisfied with the photo's.
"Okay, perfect right now we've got those pics, i think we might be done"
I heard a phone rinigng and Louis took it out of his pocket.
"But, come on isn't that enough"
"Why, can't you see i love him?"
"Go to hell"
i could only hear what louis was saying, but it sounded like managment, he put the phone away and turned to face us.
"They want photo's of me, Eleanor, Alana and the boys in the pool"
"What? the pool that will only fit 2 people"
"No, they want you all to gome round to our house, so it looks like we've spent the night together"
"Seriously, i mean i love you lou, as a mate of course, but this is getting out of hand now"
"I know, but its only for like another year, you know that"
A/N okay so this is the start of my fanfic 50 days without you, it's not the best but im going to try to make it as good as it can be xx Love ya Corky x

Barely Breathing || Larry Stylinson
Fanfiction❝What is more deadly a thought or a gun?❞ ❝ A gun gives you the opportunity but a thought pulls the trigger.❞ Completed | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Michael69Clifford 2013