Watching him fall- Harry's pov

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Over the next few days, Louis had become more and more distant, he would never talk or give me the usual affection his always did, instead he lay in his bed crying, the salty tears of sin pouring out of his bright blue eyes, it killed me to see him this way it killed me to see him like this. I would sleep in the guest bedroom, he wanted to be alone, while i was sleeping he would cuddle a care bear that Daisy brought him, after they'd been to Disney land once.

I left food by the bed that we once shared, but it was never touched, if it was then only the glass of water would of gone, the food left to be thrown away.

I needed to get my Lou back, but that's easier said than done.

I walked in to see him sleeping, still holding the purple care bear he looked so fragile lying they're a single tear trickled down his pale face.

I needed to fix him, i needed my Lou back.

I slipped out the room, not wanting to wake my sleeping beauty. I dialed the only person who could fix this.




"Yes, what is it Harry?"

"Its Lou"

"What about my Lou?"

"He's not doing so good Jay, I'm worried about him i really am, he won't eat he won't sleep he won't talk, I know how much he's hurting but its hurting me to see him this way, i don't know what to do?"

"Harry, there is nothing that you can do"


The line went dead.

I decided to make Lou his lunch, not that he would eat it, anyways.

I got out the tuna, sweetcorn, 2 slices of bread and the butter, i assembled the sandwich before pouring him a glass of water.

I left this outside his room, tapping on the door once to tell him i'd left it there.

If Jay wouldn't help me then maybe Google could.

I quickly got out my laptop and typed "How do people deal with the loss of a loved one?"

I clicked on the first site.

People deal with bereavement in many different ways, here are a few of them. 

People may shut out from the real world. 

Yup, that was true.

People may try to act like nothing happened.

Not so much.

People may take to starving themselves

That was true

People may become distant from there family and friends.


I carried on down the list, most of them were true it was clear Louis didn't want to believe his sister was gone, but what could i do? 

I guess once you're broken you never can be fixed...

A/N ok so im going to have this story completely finished by the end of today hopefully! including Alternative ending and epilogue and things, yes there will be a second book but i will do that once i've finished Saving Diana. 

Love you guys Corky x

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