Finding Louis- Harry's Pov

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"I can't believe what Liam  just said, Louis knew that i wanted to come out, but he never felt like it was the right time, he only did it for me, maybe he should of told us before, but what Liam did was wrong, and now he's run of and may never come back. 

I ran of down the hall, desperatety trying to find him, i needed Louis in my arms, I'd only just got him back, i wasn't going to let him go again...


"Lou Babe"

"Louis, Please come talk to me"

The others had gone of in different directions, but Liam was standing by the door...

"Liam! How could you do that to Louis"

"I'm sorry Harry, i didn't mean it"

"Then why don't you go say that to his face, Oh wait you can;t he ran away"

"Harry I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you"

"Look Liam, Louis knew i wanted to come out, he didn't, what he did out there was for me, ok and now you've wreaked it all"

 I ran off down the hall, i didn't want to hear anymore of Liam's excuses....

"LouBear, please come out"

"Lou? Please!?"

I swear i heard him say something, but it was probaby just my mind playing tricks or something,  i continued to shout hoping Louis would hear me, i decided to send him a text, doubt it would help tho...

To: LouBear <3:

Louis, babe please come and see my see me, i miss you <3 x 

I put the phone in my pocket and spent the next 2 hours hoping to find my beautiful blue eyed Louis,

I would never forgive Liam, not after this, what if- oh god- what if he's done something to himself, i needed to find him, and now...

i serched nearly every corner of the building, but no Louis, where is my caremel haired LouBear?? 

I sat down, outside the door of some toilets, silently crying, what was i going to do?? I looked across the way, a middle-adged cleaning Lady was standing there, I looked at her trolley, a blade placed on top of a hammer, i could go get the blade she wouldn't notice, i mean come on, she was dusting away, 

"NO!" Harry you can't do that to you're self, you know Loui s wouldn't want you too do that, you know you wouldn't

Right at that very moment, i thought i heard Louis say "Please Don't Cut"

I pulled up my sleve, the scars laying unpon my wrist made me want to be sick, i quickly covered it up, This is not what Louis would want me to do i needed to find him....

I saw Niall running down the hall, nearly out of breath, screaming at the top of his lungs....

"Louis, where are you"

"Louis, come on Harry needs you"

At the last sentence, I shuddered, he was right, i needed louis in my Life, and if he was gone, then i would have to go to...

A/N oh my god, i went upstaires to use the loo, and i came back and i'd already got another follower, 2 mores votes and 5 more reads :D Love you guys so much, but unfortunatly i couldn't update again, until today :'(  Hope you guys are ok, i managed to get an update before school, Yay! I'll update when i get to 65 reads, another follow, a comment, or another vote! Love you all, hope this chappie is ok, in the next one Louis finds Harry again!! xx

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