Dealing with Liam- Louis Pov

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The crowd went silent. 

"Erm ok, I don't think the news had quite got to us yet but were very happy for you both"

"Thank you"

"So how long has this been going on for, Harry"

"Ever since the x-factor really" Harry said, looking worried and confused 

"And Louis how do you think the fans will react to the news?" 

 "I think most of them all ready new about it, and i just hope then can be happy for us"

"So what does Eleanor feel about this" 

"She's really really nice, and we first got together i didn't know exactly who i was, but when i did i told her straight away and she was fine with it, she'd sort of guessed anyways"

"So why did you guys pretend to keep on dating"

"Well, me and Eleanor wanted to be just friends, but our management didn't approve of me, so they made us keep on dating"

"Why would they make you tho?"

"I think it's because, they didn't wan't to effect the future of the band and also i think they didn't really know how to deal with the fact that one of the bandmates was gay"

"And Harry, when did you realize you were in love with Louis"

"I'm not really sure, it just sort of happened"

"Well, that's all we have time for today, but congratulations to Louis and Harry"

We walked of stage and into one of the dressing rooms, Liam and zayn went to get something from the vending machine, me, Harry and Niall styaed behind. 

"Louis, why did you do that"

"Niall, they're was no other way we could be happy and anyways they'res only a month left of our contract, all i want is for me and harry to be happy"

"I love you Loubear, but you could of told me that was what you had planned"

"If i'd told you, you would of told liam, who would of tried to stop us"

"I suppose"


I pulled Harry close to my body and kissed his cherry red lips, wishing the moment could last for ever...

"Ehhhhhhhhhh, get a room guys"

"Shut up Zayn"

"Louis i need to talk to you"

"Liam what is it" 

"How could you do that Louis, you know whats going to happen next, its the end of us, and you know it, how could you be so selfish, you should of told us Lou" 

I couldn't believe what Liam said, how could he not understand it, he had everything he ever wanted, A band, a girlfriend, that he didn't have to hide and was loved by millions, i wasn't even alowed to look at my boyfriend without being told off. 

I ran out the room and down the hall i could hear them talking still...

"How could you do that to Louis, you know he's been having a really hard time lately"

"Niall, I really don't care what he did was selfish"

" How could you say that Liam! that's horrible, you know how he feels about harry and it doesn't help when you're always been so coupely with Danielle, and he has to stand there not even being able to stand next to harry without getting scolded for it. You really don't know what it's like to be in his position, do you not being able to tell the world how you feel about the one you love"

I heard footsteps...

"Shit they're coming after me"

I ran into the nearest door, which happened to be the toilets, I sank down into the wall crying, maybe i was wrong maybe i shouldn't of been mad at Liam, maybe i was being selfish, Maybe i shouldn't be here at all...

A/N so what did you think, i'll update once i get either 60 reads, a vote, a comment or another follow, im going to go have my tea now, but i'll probably write some more afterwards, as you know i always leave you with a story so here but i dont have one to tell you, but for the person who message me asking about how i got the inspiration for the baked bean dream chapter and to tell you the truth I actually dreamt it, yup i was Louis in the dream!! xx Love ya all xx

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