Letters to Harry- Harry's Pov

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I sat down on the sofa, tears pouring from my face, yesterday i had moved away from the only person who kept me living, and now i may never see him again, I went to the kitchen, to make a cuppa tea, Louis' favourite drink, i'd just poured the water into the mug, when i heard the post arrive, i left the steaming tea, on the side and ran over to the door, a letter from Louis...

I picked it up and ran over to the sofa, tearing open the crisp white envelope, Louis neat handwrtting across the front, i started reading...

To my Dearest HazzaBear, 

I HATE MANAGMENT, all they want is money, Elbeard has been calling me ALL day, i haven't been picking up, i can't i miss you too much, Harry you mean the world to me, i could never lose you, i would never ever ever fall for someone else, you;re all i need, i glad you left the letter and the address, we can write everyday, until we see each other again, the boys haven't found out yet, no one else has, but im going to tell them that managment, took you away, i so sorry, Harry that i didn't stop them, because without you next to me they'res a hole in my heart that can NEVER be filled, 

Oh and i would never give up on you, 

Forever yours,

Lou x 

A/N so, if you're reading this comment Harry riding Lou's Sassy ass!! also please vote, and tell em what you think :D love all my readers :D

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