Chapter 5

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We pulled up outside Harry's house. He got out first, smirking at the fact I can't open the door. Why were child locks invented?  

Soon Harry had the door open for me, taking Maxxy out of my hands so I could hop out the car, once I was on the floor, I walked round the back of the car, Harry's eyes trained on me almost if he was waiting for me too run. I'd be lying if I said I didn't see the oppurtunity so that's why I didn't run. He's expecting it. I have to leave when he thinks I want to stay.

Logical, right?

I opened his boot grabbing my bag - which were immensely heavy - I dropped it onto the concrete before grabbing the next one. 

"Stop. I'll do it!" Harry interrupts passing me Maxxy before picking up my three bags effortlessly and waiting for me to walk inside first.

I stepped up the steps; pushing down the door handle and walking inside. I took moment to see process the distinct beauty of the house. It's really not what expected. Like you think vampires, you think... Castles, coffins, skulls, dark, dungeons and all that jazz but this house... It's beautiful and bright.

Every wall, floor and tile is white. Every peice of furniture that I've seen so far is white with the occasional black and red pattern or decoration. It's so modern. Maybe, just maybe these people do want to be normal. I know if I was a vampire I could never love myself. Never.

How could anyone love a vampire? A killer? A murderer?  

I... I sort of feel sorry for them now.

"Are you going to move, or-?" Harry spoke breaking me from my thoughts 

"Oh, yeah, um. Sorry" I ramble moving out of the doorway; about to walk in the living room 

"This way, daydreamer" Harry teases pointing to the stairs 


"You're tired" He states, beginning to walk up the stairs. I didn't bother arguing because I was well and truly knackered.

I micmicked his steps until we reached an attic room it was decorated like... Every other teenage boys room I suppose? Posters, magazines, games, TV, messy bed and so on. 

"Sorry, it's not much but uh you can sleep in my bed" Harry shuffles uncomfortably 

"Uh thanks... I, uh didn't think vampires slept?" I blurt. Stupid. Stupid girl. 

"We don't" He says immediately "Well we do. But it doesn't really add to our energy? It's just peaceful, you know? It kinda makes me feel.. Normal for a change?" He shrugs while I sit on his bed "It's like when we eat" He continues 

"What do you mean?" I tilt my head as I look at him  

"We eat normal food just to- uh feel human but it doesn't do anything for a hunger..." 

I nod "Can you pass me some Pyjama's?" 

"I don't want to mess up my room" He shakes his head 

"What?!" I exclaim. How will me changing mess up his room? Eurgh 

"I don't want to go through your bags and end up with a messy room" He smirks, I look around his room. Everything's in order not a thing out of place. Just the bed sheets are messy.

"I'm not sleeping like this" I cross my arms stubbornly  

"Wear these" He chucks me two pieces of clothing before leaving the room with a cheeky ass grin on his face.

I looked at his clothing choice. A ramones top and... Boxers. 

How am I meant to feel anymore comfortable wearing these? I sighed putting them on anyway.

Undead Protector - MAJOR EDITING - Harry&Alice book 1.Where stories live. Discover now