Chapter 14

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"Remember just tell them, you were visiting your dad in America!" My chest tightened at Harry's chosen excuse as he shouted through the door of out conjoined room - while I changed.

I'm still deciding whether to hate or love my dad... I mean he is my dad but he lied. An awful lot.

"I know, Harry!" I shout back, Pulling a jean jacket on top of my vest top  "When are you going to pick me up?"
"Call me... Oh wait. You don't have a phone" Way to unintentionally rub it in my face Harry... "I'll pick you up at four" He says as I pulled on my converse and adjusted the foot of my jeans
"Sounds good" I leave the room, pulling my bag strap diagonally across my chest "Can we leave now?" Harry nods, unexpectedly picking me up bridal style and 3 seconds later we stood at the side of a Camry, the same Camry Harry had recently tore the door off of. "Stay here, I'll just go get my car" He softly demands and he was gone before I could even attempt to agree.

The revving of an engine from the side of the house sounded as well as a car horn, telling me to move out of the drive way. I did as he wanted and he smoothly rolled the car down the gravel drive. He parked the car infront of me though the engine stayed on, I did my best to hop up in the passenger seat and I finally managed after 3 failed attempts, why does he need a car so big? 
...But then again: Why did I have to be so small?

"What hospital is it?" He innocently asks, speeding down the road 
"Don't bull shit me. I know you know" I smirk
"Sorry... Just trying to make this situation a little more normal for you" 
"This." I gesture between us "Will never be normal" I place my head against the back of the chair.

I have a point... He's a vampire. I'm a human, he's friends are vampires and everyone who wants to kill me are un-defeatable monsters. Yeah, normal... 
I laugh at my own thoughts making Harry look at me weirdly, I waved my hand at him dismissively.

"We need 8" He says randomly
"8 what?" My face screws in confusion
"Blood bags"
"Oh right yeah" I mumble, I feel awful for doing this, but there's some we don't need and it gets left and thrown out because... Well I don't know? Does blood go bad? I really need to go to Med school, I sighed loudly beginning to fiddle with my fingers it's going to be really weird being around people again, I mean Harry has taken me out and I've spoke to El and Perrie a few times but like my people, people I used to tell everything. Now, I can't even tell them where I have been this week, it's strange to think about how much has happened in 5 days - Is it 5 days?

"Make me more smoothies for when I get back - I am going to be tired and stressed" I say honestly and those drink were so refreshing and I finally felt full and that I couldn't take anymore but they're addicting.
"Uh sure" He seems uneasy but I shrug it off.

He drops me off at the hospital and tells me he'll come by soon to check on me. I don't know why he would, though.

I took my usual route to the floor I always volunteer on but I did take a small detour, placing 8 blood bags in my bag before going to the floor. But since I'd been in the room where they keep the donated blood, I'd been feeling a little queasy - My nose felt stuffy and throat went dry, my vision was slightly blurry and anger boiled inside me, I just wanted to attack any person that walked by me. I needed to sit down. 
I sat on the benches on the ward trying to calm my breathing. "Miss? Are okay?" Someone asked; I looked up and she screamed? What on earth?

Soon my head felt heavy and I was gone, out cold.

#Harry's POV#

"But who is her maker? Is it me? Or is it Harry?" Summer frustratingly asked again and just like before Louis shrugged his shoulders
"It's obviously Harry" Liam intrudes
"Yeah! Or the connection would never have been there" Niall agrees and Summer visibly relaxes, I was about to speak when my whole body froze and muscles hardened.

Undead Protector - MAJOR EDITING - Harry&Alice book 1.Where stories live. Discover now