Chapter Four - Spells

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Ten o'clock seemed to arrive in seconds

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Ten o'clock seemed to arrive in seconds. I left the dorm, alone, two hours after dinner. Taylor was half asleep on the couch as the news continued to play.

    I tip-toed to the elevator. The headquarters were extremely quiet and eerie; why did Madame Lee pick a time so late? The small "ding" that the elevator made seemed unusually loud. I slithered past the silent Dining Hall and down to the witch's chambers.

    This time I held onto the railing. It was cold and icy. I jumped then realized that the railing was a rusted chain. The sooner there was light, the better for me.

    Finally, after what seemed like ages, I was able to reach out and knock and the large brass door. I had heard voices from inside but they became silent as footsteps approached from the other side.

    Madame Lee said nothing, but gestured for me to enter. As I gazed at the mirror over the chest of drawers, the reflection of the witch still stood on the other side, as if she were in some other dimension. "What the heck –" I began.

    "She is my reflection, my advisor," Madame Lee began to explain, "She tells me things that I can't see and warns me of things that are to happen in the future. She is always there, though sometimes she goes adventuring. She slips facts about the Rosary Kingdom through riddles. Just now, before you had entered, she was advising me on our lesson. So, should we begin?"

    "Why wasn't she there last night?" I continued to question.

    "Because she had things to do," retorted the witch, "Now no more questions; let us begin."

    "Okay, so what are we doing?" I asked. Then I realized that I had just asked another question.

    "We are going to try a, ah, unique spell to uncover power number two," said Madame Lee, "My reflection gave me numerous ideas, though I believe only one is worthwhile."

    The reflection seemed to roll her eyes.

    "But how do you know that I am the one to fulfill the prophecy?" I remarked.

    "My reflection never lies," replied an annoyed witch. I wasn't in the slightest worried that I was getting on her nerves.

    "Yeah, but –"

    "SILENCE!" Lee boomed, "You are one of the chosen, and that's final!"

    I desperately wanted to object that I wasn't the one, that I had no skill, no smarts, or any other of the requirements. But, having some common sense, I remained silent.

    Even a few moments later, Madame Lee was still fuming. "Okay," she began sternly, attempting to remain calm, "I am going to try a different spell from last night. Go stand by that chest over there."

    I spun around slowly before locating a rotting wooden chest beside the metal bed frame with only a yellowing mattress. I approached it slowly, thinking that it could contain Dark magic or something. Madame Lee never took her eyes off of me. I could feel her gaze scorching into my back.

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