Chapter 3

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I wake up alone... Which causes me to frown. The comfy bed is empty other than me, but the pillows were lined up where Kian slept. I sit up rubbing my eyes before forcing myself out of bed. I walk over to the window and open the blinds letting the sunlight flood in.

I can see the boats on the water across from the hotel. I smile seeing the young couples and families all ready walking around downtown. I walk over to Kian's suitcase and pull out one of his sweatshirts before throwing it on over my tank top. I didn't sleep with shorts on last night because it was warm then.

I walk out of the bedroom and first walk into the bathroom. After using it I head to the living room like part. I see Leah walk out of her room in an oversized tee shirt, and she looks at me a frown on her face.

"Have you seen Jc?" She asks.

"No, have you seen Kian?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest. She shakes her head no and slumps down on the couch upset. I copy her actions and we wait for our boys to come back. Five minutes later they come in with some bags from Panera that's downtown.

They shut the door and freeze seeing us. Their eyes widen as they take in our pouting lips and our outfits. Both of us are not wearing any form of pants, and they seem to notice that. They both gulp before Kian opens his mouth to speak.

"We didn't think that you two would be up yet." He says sheepishly. I roll my eyes and look to the tv, which his off. Leah follows my lead and crosses her arms looking to the tv.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I should have left a note." Jc says as he comes closer.

"Park, we got breakfast for everyone." I freeze from the nickname... No one has ever called me that before other than when Luke did. I kind of like it though coming from Kian.

I look over to him raising an eyebrow. "Why didn't you want to wait for us?" I ask.

He walks over and squats down in front of me and the couch. "I thought it would be a nice surprise. I also thought you would have wanted to sleep in." He answers taking my hands in his. I sigh knowing his is right I wouldn't want to wake up early just to go get food.

"You know me too well." I say. He grins at me, and kisses my cheek. "So what did you get me?" I ask. Kian laughs and gets up to get it out. He got me a cinnamon bun and a hot chocolate. I watch my food hungrily as he takes it out and puts it on the little table in here.

I get up and take my seat in front of it ignoring the looks from the others. "You are forgiven." I say before I take a sip of my hot chocolate.


"Can we go to a mansion?" I ask whining a little. Kian looks at me like I've gone insane.

"How old are you?" He asks me a hint of amusement in his eyes and voice. I pretend to think about it for a little before answering.

"Five?" I respond making him laugh. I feel myself blush from his laugh. Oh this boy is going to be the end of me.

"Funny." He says before taking my right hand with his left hand. "But, of course we can go. Which one do you want to go to?" He asks sweetly. I smile at him happily and think of all of the ones that I know are here.

"Oh... The Elms. Let's go to the Elms!" I nearly shout. Kian laughs nodding his head ignoring the looks for some people passing.

"All right, all right lets go." He says. "Someone had too much sugar this morning." He says. I laugh shaking my head at him.

"Nope. I had the right amount." I grin squeezing his hand. He responds doing the same before bringing up our laced hands, and kissing the back of mine. I feel my heart flutter and the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. I feel my cheeks burn from the blush that made its way to my cheeks.

We start our way walking to the mansion. Jc and Leah took the rental car out somewhere, so we have to walk. I'm not really complaining because it means more time with Kian.

I see someone walking a little poodle puppy and awe at the sight of it. It's a black little one trotting next to its owner. I lean my head on Kian's upper arm and I feel him look down at me. "Look at the little puppy." I say, and I feel him look to it before smiling down to me.

"You want a poodle?" He questions.

"Well... A labradoodle. But it's just a cute puppy." I explain. He nods his head agreeing. I sigh content as we just keep walking along the side walk.

"Tomorrow we're going to the beach." Kian says, and I look up at him raising an eyebrow.

"I have no say in it?" I ask faking annoyance. Kian looks like he is about to pee himself from be so nervous.

"Um... I mean..." He trails off fearing he messed up. I can't help my start laughing, and he looks at me really confused.

"I'm just messing with you." I say sobering up. Relief washes through him from my words and he seems to loosen up. "Are the other two coming too?" I ask. Kian chuckles nodding his head.

"Who do you think begged me to go with you there." He says, and I laugh. We get to the street with all the mansions on it, and I can't help but grin. It's been so long since I've been here. It's bitter sweet, but a little more sweet than bitter.

"Look how beautiful they are." I awe out loud.

"Not as beautiful as you." Kian says. I look to him smiling widely from his comment and he is looking down at me. An emotion in his eyes that I can't pin point.

"That was corny." I laugh. He smiles nodding his head.

"I know, but I couldn't pass up this opportunity. Just look at you." He says amazed. I blush brightly looking away from him as we enter the gate to the Elms mansion. Kian stops walking and that makes me stop too. He pulls me to him and turns me around to face him.

"Parker you are so beautiful it hurts." Kian says softly as he runs his hand through my hair, and the other holds my chin for me to look up at him. I feel myself blush more and everything in me is going crazy. His lips meet mine and I swear my heart stopped beating for a second.

My arms wrap around his waist as if I am hugging him. It's as if it's only the two of us there on earth. We only pull away from the sound of picture being taken. We breath heavy as we look to see a photographer and some younger girls who are watching Kian in awe.

I try to hide behind Kian, but I can't. He holds me to his side before walking to the entrance pulling me behind him. Damn that kiss was... Everything.
Hoped you liked it... And don't worry everyone things will get juicy. I promise.

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