Chapter 28

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I watch my family with hawk eyes as they hold my baby. It has been a few months and I can finally feel happy all the time now. Kian is thrilled by it, and so am I. Leah watches them the same way as they are also taking turns holding her son.

We noticed that our two babies love to take naps together and play together. It's so cute watching them interact with each other. I smile watching my family with my baby. Kian wraps his arms around me making me squeal gaining some attention. My face goes red making me looks down as Kian kisses my cheek.

Nancy laughs at us as she brings out some food for everyone. They all decided to come to our house to see our little troublemakers. We don't mind at all considering they haven't met the babies yet. I forget why, but it was something important. Then there was the fact that Kian and Jc are overprotective fathers.

"I have a surprise for you later." Kian whispers in my ears. I feel myself blush more making me burry my face in Kian's chest. He chuckles making me vibrate.

"Jc." Leah laughs making me look up. Jc has is arms around her with his face burying in the crook of her neck. She grabs at his hair, and her ring sparkles in the light. Jc gave her a promise ring because he says they aren't ready for that step yet. I smile at them resting my head on Kian's chest. Nevaeh starts crying making me sit straight up looking for her. I see her in my uncle James's arms. His eyes are wide as he holds her crying body.

    "Let me calm her." I say getting up from my seat. Kian gets up instead pushing me down on the seat.

    "Let me do it." Kian says, and with no room for argument. I nod my head as my baby's cries break my heart. Kian smiles at me before taking our daughter in his arms. He starts to bounce her in his arms as he starts to pace the room. I smile watching them feeling my heart grow seeing them together.

"Yup, he is a keeper." My aunt Michele says wrapping an arm around me. My smile widens as a blush creeps on my face. I look up to her only to see her smiling down to me before looking back to Kian.

"I don't think I could ever let him go." I tell her honestly, which gains her attention.

"Then don't honey." She says. I lean into her side as her grip on me tightens.

"Park, I'm going to go change her." Kian says loudly, so I can hear. I smile at him nodding my head. He leaves the room with our daughter. Everett starts crying making Jc jump into action taking him in his arms. Leah laughs a little watching Jc take him out of the room.

"He wanted to look like a good daddy just like Kian." She smiles. Everyone laughs at that, and we hear Jc saying something as he heard it.


Kian walks with me hand in hand down the beach. Leah and Jc are in charge of our daughter, and of course their son. I didn't want to leave Nevaeh, but Kian persuaded me to come along. He showed me the house he bought for us, and how Jc got the one next to us, and they got Nancy the other one next to us. I couldn't help the happy tears that ran down my face. He took me there as the sun was setting, and now it's night.

"I feel like we have been together forever." Kian says suddenly. I look at him confused before looking the the sand. I feel my heart squeeze at the thought of him not liking that. "I can't imagine anything other than us." He says as he stops walking. He pulls me close to him, but I still look to the ground. His fingers gently lift my chin up to look into his eyes. His brown eyes melt me in my spot against him.

"Kian." I sigh.

"What's wrong, park?" He asks, worry clear in his voice.

"Do you regret meeting me, and everything after?" I ask feeling tears prick my eyes.

"That's not what I said. I said I couldn't image it without you. Parker I wouldn't change a thing. You are my everything, my world. You and our daughter." Kian says. Love and seriousness behind each and every word. I smile at him feeling all my uncertainties float away.

"I love you Kian."

"I love you Parker." Kian grins before his lips are on mine. I kiss him back pouring all emotions into the kiss wanting him to feel what I feel, and I know he is doing the same thing. His arms snake around my waist as my hands move to his hair. I pull at his hair making him moan into my mouth. Kian bites my lip lightly making me moan pulling his hair more. Kian moves his hands down my back to my thighs. He lifts me up, and my legs wrap around his waist automatically.

"Let me show you how much I love you." He whispers on my lips.

"Show me." I grin as I whisper it in his ear. I nip at his ear making him groan holding me closer. I smile against his skin, and he starts to walk. He walks us to his car before putting me in the seat. I frown pouting at him making him groan again and kissing my lips.

"If you don't stop pouting I'm going to take you right here." He whispers huskily. I bite my lip, and I can see his eyes darken. "Park." He practically growls.

"Sorry. Just get in the car Kian." I groan out annoyed. Kian chuckles shutting my door, and hurrying to his side. He gets in and hurries home so we can continue where we left off. His hand lands on my upper thigh, and keeps rising higher making me moan involuntarily.

"Fuck baby." He groans. I keep my eyes from him not wanting to see him like this right now.
Hoped you liked it. Not too much left guys, please let me know what you think.

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Love you all


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