Chapter 13

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Kian and I walk into the hospital for the appointment hand in hand. I can't believe this is happening to me right now, and I know Kian is feeling the same way. We walk up to the lady behind the window area. She smiles up at me, a little forced, as we reach the window. "How may I help you two?" She asks. Her graying hair is held back by a clip and her eyes are a tired gray.

"We have an appointment." Kian says. She nods her head looking down at the computer in front of her.

"Oh yes. Can you please just sign in, and just wait for your name to be called. We take a seat and I lean my head on his shoulder. I look around to see two other women in here with someone else with them. They all have bigger stomachs than me, but they are definitely in two different months than me.

Kian holds my hand and rubs his thumb in soothing circles. I look up at him to see him looking around at the posters and the other soon to be moms. "Do you not want it?" I ask gaining his attention. He looks at me confused.


"The baby. You don't want it do you?" I ask feeling tears prick my eyes. He shakes his head kissing my head.

"I never said that."

"You didn't say you wanted it either." I sigh looking down. Kian lifts my chin up making me look at him.

"Parker, I want this baby with you. I just don't want to be a bad father, or do something wrong." I look into his eyes with a small smile.

"You think I don't think about that all the time, with me being a mother. I'm still only a senior in high school." I say laughing lightly. Kian frowns at me moving some of my hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry about that Park."

"It takes two to tango." I smile at him. He chuckles kissing the top of my head.

"Ms. Lawley." The nurse calls. I look up looking at a grinning Kian. We stand up and walk to the nurse, who seems to be really tired. Her blond hair is in a French braid with a black headband. "Follow me please." She says turning around, and leading the way. We follow her my stomach becoming knotted even more than before.

She leads us to a room with a table like thing in the middle. There are two windows behind the table thing, and a counter with cabinets on the right of it. There is a monitor thing there too near the window that shows the ultrasound. We walk in and Kian squeezes my hand lightly. "Take a seat and the doctor will be in shortly." She says before walking out and closing the door.

I get on the table and look around at the posters on the wall, and look down playing with my hands nervously. Kian stands on my left looking around as well, but I can't focus on him. The door opens and the doctor walks in, she seems on the younger side. Her black hair is up in a bun that is lose and seems to be falling out. Her scrubs are a pink color and she wears a white doctor coat over it.

"Good morning." She smiles warmly at us. I smile shyly back looking back to my hands. "So, you to are here for what? An ultrasound or a pregnancy conformation?" She asks.

"Um... I don't know. I took three tests and two were positive. That was only a week ago when I found out." I say shyly. She smiles at me taking it in.

"Any symptoms?"

"Morning sickness, and I've recently been craving peanut butter covered apples a lot." I say nervously.

"Can you lay down flat on the table and lift your shirt a little. I lift my gray tank top up to reveal my stomach. She starts to put on gloves before she places her hands on my lower stomach. She start pressing into it a little and feeling around, and I feel myself tense up.

The smile on her face never leaves as she steps back and looks to Kian, and then to me. "Well, I do believe you are pregnant. You are just a little too early to do an ultrasound, but we will try." She says getting the monitor closer. I nod my head as she takes some gel stuff out.

"What if it doesn't work?" Kian asks.

"Then we will have to wait until next time and take a blood test." She says before looking at me. "This gel might be cold." She warns.

"Okay." I say quietly. She puts the cold gel on my lower stomach and then moves the little monitor thing on it. She moves it around to try to find a good picture, and I take Kian's hand in mine. I watch her with tears in my eyes hoping she can find it.

"I think I see something, but there are like two small blobs." She says moving the thing more around the area. She plays around with some buttons on the screen and then turns the monitor towards us. "See these two blobs here?" He asks. I look on the screen and see where she is pointing too.

"Yes." I say, and I see Kian nod his head out of the corner of my eye.

"Well it looks like you are having twins." She says a little too happy for my liking. I cry at the news scared of having two babies. If I knew one was going to be hard, how can I have two. Kian squeezes my hand trying to comfort me. "Well
Congratulations." She cheers. I nod my head sniffling as I use my free hand to wipe my tears.

"Let me just clean you up, and then you can be on your way once you make your next appointment." She says happily grabbing a towel.


Kian left an hour ago and I haven't stopped crying. It's been off and on, but I just can't get over the thought of twins. I sit on the couch with a blanket around me and my knees to my chest. Nancy doesn't know what to say or how to act, and Leah isn't really sure either.

Kian feels really bad for leaving, but he needed to go. I forget where they are going or why they had to go, but I know it was important. My phone buzzes, and I look to see Alex texted me.

I take in a deep breath before I stand up and drag myself to the kitchen. I take out an apple and cut it before grabbing peanut butter. I walk back to the family room and take my seat again. Pirates of the Caribbean is playing on tv and I just watch it. It's the first one, which I don't mind, and it's only half way through right now.

The doorbell rings, but I don't want to get it. I hear Leah go answer it, which I hear a familiar voice. "What are you doing here?"

"How is Parker? She hasn't answered any of my texts all day." Alex says.

"She is just tired and upset right now. Kian had to go on a trip and just left today, so I think it's best if you let her deal with it right now." Leah says in a polite voice.

"Okay, um... Can you tell her I stopped by?" He asks a little hurt in his voice.

"Yes, I will." Leah says with a smile in her voice. The door closes before I hear her foot steps come towards me. Her hair is up in a messy bun, and she wears short sport shorts and a pink tight tank top. "Parker,"

"Yes." I breath looking up to her before taking a bite of a slice of apple with peanut butter.

"What's gotten you so upset?" She asks sitting down next to me. I hug her and feel tears fall from my eyes again.

"It's twins." I cry. Leah holds me rubbing my back saying it's all going to be okay. I shake my head pulling away to look at her. "He barely wanted one baby, but now we are having two."

"Parker that can't be. I know he must be nervous, but so are you. You two love each other, and he won't leave you. He will love both of the babies as much as he loves you." She assures me. I shake my head and get up before heading to my room.

"No he won't." I sob before running the rest of my way to my room.
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