Chapter 18

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I sit in class trying not to cry watching this movie. We have to watch some movie in history, and it is very emotional. Plus add in the hormones from being pregnant, and you get a mess. Alex taps my shoulder as I feel him lean towards me.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I shake my head wiping a tear that escaped my eye. Through my sweatshirt pocket I rest my right hand on my swollen stomach. No one has really noticed yet, which I'm happy about.

"Mr. R, can I bring Parker to the nurse? She doesn't feel well." Alex asks.

"Yes you can." Mr. R replies slightly annoyed. Alex stands up, and I follow him as he grabs both of our bags. As soon as we walk out of the classroom I let my tears free as they silently fall down my face. Alex stops and just hugs me letting me cry, and for that I'm thankful.

"Come on, I'm still bringing you to the nurse." Alex says pulling back a little as I nod my head. We walk into the nurse's office and as soon as she seems me she rushes to my side.

"Honey, what's wrong?" She asks concerned. I shake my head at her sipping the tears away.

"Movie in class... It's very emotional." I get out trying to control my crying.

"The movie in history is very emotional for her and she almost broke down in class." Alex further explains. She nods her head handing me a tissue. I take it and wipe my eyes taking a seat on the bed they have in here. The nurse lead me to it with Alex guiding me.

"Just take deep breathes honey. You can stay here as long as you need." She says sweetly to me. I smile at her nodding my head.

"Thank you." I get out as a few more tears leak from my eyes.  She smiles warmly at me before looking to Alex.

"Do you want to stay too?" She asks. Alex looks to me as if asking me to pick for him.

"I'm fine." I assure him.

"I'll stay till the bell." He says leaning against the wall.

"Okay then." The nurse says before looking to me. "So how are things?" She asks her eyes brightening. I smile at her putting a hand on my stomach.

"Things are going great. I'm having a little girl." I say happily looking down to my swollen stomach, which is getting harder to hide with sweatshirts.

"Awe. Really?" The nurse squeals making me laugh smiling more. Alex chuckles too causing me to look up to him.

"Yes, and Kian seems to be really excited about it." I say looking to her. The door opens and I take the hand off my stomach and the nurse excuses herself. I look to Alex raising an eyebrow. "Alex?"

"What?" He asks looking to me.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you going to tell your family?" He asks.

"I did." I fell him confused. He looks me in the eyes.

"Your blood family. When you were gone your grandparents gave Nancy a visit. They are still here Parker." He says. I look at him with wide eyes.

"What? How would you know this?" I ask tears pricking my eyes.

"I went to visit Nancy then wanting to know if you were home, you know to catch up." He says looking to the ground scratching the back of his neck. I haven't heard from my grandparents since the accident.


"They thought you were killed too, and couldn't stand to stay so the moved here. I don't know how they found you, but..." The bell rings and Alex stops.

"Just go." I choke out before breaking down sobbing. Why would he just tell me this now? Why didn't Nancy tell me this? Does everyone else know about this?


Kian holds me close to him, as close as I can get, and plays with my hair. He is tired, but so am I. I made him take me to his place because I didn't want to go home. I still don't know if I trust what Alex said, which has been bothering me all day. Kian clearly knows something is up, but won't ask because he knows I will bring it up. I inhale his scent calming myself down as I feel a flutter like feeling in my stomach. I smile widely knowing it's our daughter.

"Kian?" I ask hesitantly. He hums in response as his head rests in the crook of my neck. "Did you know about my grandparents?" I ask the one thing that's been on my mind the most. He pulls his head away to look me right in my eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asks confused. I take in a deep breath letting it out as his right hand caresses my cheek. His thumb rubs up and down calming my nerves.

"Alex told me that my grandparents visited Nancy while we were gone." I say looking for any sign he knows. Kian just looks at me surprised and confused.

"Really?" He asks. I nod my head, and he lets out a breath getting up. He throws on the shirt he was wearing before.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused as I sit up holding a hand on my stomach. He looks at me sliding shoes on his feet.

"We are going to ask Nancy about this." Kian says. I look at him with wide eyes.


"Yes now, so come on." He says holding out his hands for mine. I groan annoyed, but take his hands anyway. I put my shoes on and follow Kian to his car. I get in not wanting to, but he wasn't going to let me fight him on this.

"At least it's Friday night because if we had school I would fight you on this." I say leaning against my seat. Kian chuckles nodding his head keeping his eyes on the road.

"True, we can sleep all day tomorrow." He says happily. I roll my eyes and laugh.

"I thought I was suppose to be the overly tired one." Kian laughs too. "Can we go to McDonald's quick?" I ask innocently. Kian turns to look at me quick raising an eyebrow.

"Craving something?" He asks.

"A chocolate milkshake, with whipped cream no cherry." I say rubbing my belly.

"Okay, we will stop there first." He sighs. I grin happily knowing I can get what I want. I've been craving one all day, and now I can finally get one.

We walk into my home hand in hand. I'm still drinking my chocolate milkshake happily. Nancy looks to us with wide eyes before looking to her guests. I look to see an old couple, who seem very familiar. Then it hits me and I freeze. I look up to Kian fear clear on my face.

"Parker, what's wrong?" He asks concern lacing his voice. At the sound of my name the old couple look over taking me in before they stand up tears in their eyes. I take a step back, and Kian seems to realize what is going on. He squeezes my hand reassuringly, which only makes me look at him.

"Parker?" I hear the familiar old lady's voice. I look over to them giving a small smile as I move closer to Kian.

"Hi grandma, grandpa." I say before sipping on my milkshake again making my daughter start moving around again. I gulp as my grandparents step forward towards me.
Hoped you liked it.

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Love you all...


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