Chapter 12

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Parker's point of view:

I lay on my bed resting a hand on my abdomen just watching tv. How am I going to be a mom? I can't believe this even happened. Leah went to her first appointment, but I couldn't get in yet. I was able to get one tomorrow, and told Kian about it. He said he might be able to come before they have to leave. I smile though looking down at my stomach. Kian is busy packing today because they leave tomorrow. I don't mind the quiet here at home though.

I look out the window quick to see a bird flying around my window. I smile watching it and sigh content. I get up needing food, so I drag myself to the kitchen. I groan as I open the fridge to only find nothing to eat. I hear the door open and look to see Nancy with bags of groceries. "Need help?" I ask eager to get the food in the house.

"Please." She says putting the ones in her hands on the counter. I nod my head before heading out to the car.

"Parker!" I hear someone call me. I freeze knowing the voice and turn to see Alex. He smiles at me running up to where I am. I can't help but smile back missing my old friend.

"Hey Alex." I smile. He grins picking me up and swinging me around. I laugh and he joins in as he puts me down.

"I've missed you Parker. How have you been?" He asks. I feel bad I haven't tried to talk to him since I've been back here. He hasn't tried to talk to me either since he heard I was leaving. "When did you get back? How long are you staying?" He rambles out questions.

"Calm down Alex. Breathe." I laugh. He smiles at me more nodding his head and taking in a deep breath.

"Sorry." He breaths out.

"It's fine. Hey can you help me bring in the groceries?" I say. He nods his head grabbing some bags. I grab some and he follows me into the house.

"Parker I got you some pants from the mat-" She stops seeing Alex behind me. "Oh hey Alex. It's been awhile." Nancy says, and I give her wide pleading eyes not to say anything.

"Hi Nancy. How have you been?" He asks.

"Fine. How about you? Schools starting up, senior year. You excited?" She asks starting to put away the groceries.

"I guess... It hasn't hit me yet though." Alex says taking a seat at the island. Nancy chuckles putting some more stuff away.

"That's expected for now."

The door opens gaining our attention as Leah and Jc happily walk in until they see Alex. "Alex." Jc says nodding his head at him.

"Hey Jc. Who is this?" Alex asks. Jc wraps his arm around Leah in a possessive way. Alex puts his hands up as if saying he didn't mean any harm.

"This is my girlfriend and Parker's cousin Leah." Jc says sending her a smile. She blushes looking to the ground.

"Well it's nice to meet you Leah. I'm Alex Parker's friend from school." He says smiling. Leah smiles at him looking at me with a confused look in her eyes.

"What time is Kian coming?" Jc asks. Alex looks to me for a response.

"Um... He said he was coming as soon as he finishes packing. So not long until he is here." I smile before going to help Nancy with the groceries.

"So, you two are still together?" Alex asks. I nod my head putting a box of cereal away.

"Yes we are." I say grinning. I glance back to see him frowning slightly, and see Jc texting someone rapidly.

"That's good." Alex says halfheartedly. I frown looking to him.

"What's wrong?" I ask even though I know what. Alex looks to me smiling.

"Nothing at all. I should probably get going though."

"Nonsense, stay for dinner." Nancy says. I look at her with wide eyes before I turn to grab an apple. I go to cut it at the cutting board and smile happily knowing I can eat what I'm craving. I cut the apple and grab the peanut butter before sitting down at the island. I look up to see everyone watching me.

"What?" I ask before taking a bite of my apple and peanut butter. They all shake their heads at me.

"Isn't Nancy starting dinner?" Alex asks. I nod my head waiting for him to elaborate. "So why are you having the apple now?"

"I was hungry and craving it, so I decided to have one." I answer eating another slice. There is a knock at the door before it opens to Kian. He walks in and comes right up to me. I look at him confused as he wraps his arms around me.

"I missed you." He says before kissing my forehead. I smile up at him looking right into his brown eyes.

"I missed you too." I say pecking his lips. He grins at me before letting me go and stealing an apple slice. "Hey!" I shout at him. He chuckles holding out the rest of it to me. I take it with my teeth getting his fingers a little too.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Kian warns in a husky voice. I blush pulling away from his fingers. I look to see everyone watching us and I blush even more.

"Oh, Kian you remember Alex, right?" I ask gesturing to Alex. They give each other a head nod before Kian turns to Nancy.

"Hey Nancy, need any help?" Kian asks. Well this is going to be an awkward night.


Alex left right before dinner getting a call from someone, who said something that must have been urgent. Kian holds me close to him running his hands through my long hair. I sigh hugging him tighter feeling tears prick my eyes.

"Park, what's wrong?" Kian asks rubbing my back. I shake my head sniffling as quietly as I can.

"Nothing is wrong." I say my voice sounding thick. Kian lifts my head up to look at me and I look anywhere but his eyes.

"Park, look at me." He says gently. I look him in the eyes, which he seems to be worried. "Why are you crying?" He asks in a soft concerned voice, moving my hair behind my ear.

"I don't know. I'm scared how people are going to see me?" I ask looking to the ground turning my head slightly to the side.

"Park, what do you mean?" Kim asks moving my head, gently, to look at him. I feel a few tears leave my eyes and I shake my head.

"Never mind."

"Parker." Kian says a little sternly.

"What?" I ask in a small thick voice. Kian gives me a small frown with concern clouding his vision.

"Who?" He asks cupping my face in his hands.

"Everyone at school." I cry out as tears just leak from my eyes. Kian pulls me into a hug holding me close. He whispers sweet nothings in my hear as he rubs my back calming me down.

"It's going to be fine Parker. Everything is going to be okay." He assures in my ear in a soft voice.

"I'm s-sorry. I'm j-just really e-emotional." I cry trying to control it. Kian chuckles lightly rubbing my back.

"Parker, it's okay. Just breath." He says softly. I nod my head taking deep breaths. He kisses my head and runs his left hand through my hair while his right hand still rubs soothing circles on my back.

"For now let's just focus on the appointment we have tomorrow." Kian says quietly before kissing my head again. "Now let's get some sleep." He says. I nod my head yawning as I move to lay more on my side. I rest a hand on my lower stomach and smile closing my eyes needing sleep.
Hoped you liked it sorry for the long wait. So Alex is back, what does that mean?

Don't forget to comment and vote to let me know you liked it.

Love you all


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