Chapter 23

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I lay on my bed with a hand resting on my growing stomach. The thought of me having a baby still blows my mind, that a life is growing inside of me. She started to move around more, which is a weird feeling but makes me smile anyway.

My door opens and Nancy stands in the doorway before walking in and sitting on the bed. I smile up at her and she smiles back, with her eyes shinning with a glint like she knows something. "Nancy?"

"What would you say to moving into a house with the guys, Leah, and me?" She asks. I look at her with wide eyes. I feel Leah leaning against the door grinning. Tears prick my eyes from the overwhelming happiness.

"Really?" I get out not believing my ears.

"Yes Parker, really." Nancy says happy tears making her eyes glassy. I wrap my arms around her hugging her tightly, and she returns it. I pull back feeling Leah walk over to us.

"Did the guys agree to it?" I ask as a tear escapes my eye. Leah and Nancy share a look before looking back to me.

"Actually... We kind of didn't mention it to them." Leah says. I look at her confused cocking my head to the side.


"We wanted you to be in on it before we brought it up to them." Nancy says.

"Why wouldn't I be on board with it?" I ask very confused.

"Well, you have been a little distant lately." Leah says. My eyes widen from hearing that, but mostly because I didn't want them to notice. "Also, you don't have to go to school anymore. You can finish with online classes." Leah grins. I shake me head looking to the floor.

"But that way he wins." I say putting some venom behind it. "I don't want my bullies to win anymore." I say looking up to them with determination.

"Okay, you don't have to stop." Nancy says smiling at me. It was small, but it was there.

"When are we telling them?" I ask changing the topic.

"Tonight." Leah smiles. I nod my head and lay back on the bed. I turn over away from them and close my eyes.

"Okay, now let me please sleep. I'm tired." I yawn. I feel Leah lay down with me as Nancy leaves the room.

"Parker." She starts quietly running her fingers through me hair. I hum in response, and I hear her sigh in response to that. "I know it's probably worse for you... I don't have to go to a school to be whispered behind my back. But Parker please don't let it hurt you and stress you out for your baby." She says softly. I turn over to face her, tears slipping from my eyes as I look into hers.

"Leah... I just don't want him to win." I get out before breaking down. She holds me as close as our stomachs will allow. I cry into her and she holds me letting me know she is here for me.

"Did you tell Kian?" She asks already knowing the answer. I shake my head against her shoulder, and I can feel her let out a sad sigh.

"I just... can't." I choke out. Leak rubs my back soothingly, and I try to stop crying, but I can't. Sobs rip through my body making me shake as I let everything out. I hear the door to my room faintly open, and within seconds I'm out of Leah's hold. I'm in a new pair of arms against someone's chest.

"Shh Parker, I'm here." Kian's voice gently says in my ear. He rubs my back soothingly as he tries to calm me down. I just keep crying until my tears run dry and my eyes are heavy. I close my eyes falling into sleep.

I open my eyes and stare into Kian's warm brown eyes. He smiles down at me and I can't help but give him a small one back. "What time is it?" I ask my voice heavy with sleep.

"Seven." He smiles kissing the tip of my nose. I gasp as I sit up as fast as I can. Kian's hold on me drops as I sit up, and I hear him chuckle. "Don't worry, dinner just finished cooking." Kian says. I look at him and got his chest playfully.

"Shut up, that's not why I sat up like that." I mumble crossing my arms over my chest. Kian laughs getting up, and stretching. I get up too, slowly, before walking to the door.

"Parker?" Kian questions. I stop then to look at him. I can see in his eyes he is fighting himself about asking what's on his mind.

"Kian... Not now." I say gently before opening the door. I walk out heading down the stairs and into the kitchen. I smell lasagna and my mouth waters, and the scent of garlic bread fills my nose too. I see everyone just sitting down at the table and they smile at me.

"Hey Parker." Jc greets happily.

"Hey Jc." I return. I feel Kian walk in and stands behind me, but I ignore him. I take a seat with Kian sitting next to me and across from Jc.

We start eating in silence, but I can feel the tension in the air. I stop and look to Kian, who is glancing at me. "I don't want to go back, okay? But I have to. I can't have him win." I say, and Kian's eyes sparkle with shock. Then he seems upset as he takes my hand in his.

"Parker, just don't go anymore. It's not saying he won." Kian says, but I shake my head. "Parker, he is the one that lost already. He called you names and didn't protect his student rightfully. He is already getting investigated in." Kian tells me taking both of my hands in his hands. I look at him with wide eyes full of shock.

"Really?" I ask happy tears pricking my eyes. Kian smiles at me nodding his head.

"Yes Parker. I was going to tell you earlier, but you were crying and then slept." Kian says. I grin at him leaning in and kissing his lips.

"Thank you." I say letting his hands go and wiping my tears away. I turn to see the others looking at me, and I blush looking down.

"So, boys... We were wondering if you all wanted to find a house together." Nancy says. The guys look at her shocked, and excited.

"Wait, all of us?"

"So, they don't have to leave you?"

"Yes, and I don't want them to leave either. So what do you say?" Nancy asks. I look to Kian nervously and I know Leah is doing the same to Jc.

"Fuck yes."

"Hell yeah." They say at the same time.

"Kian." Nancy scolds. I laugh shaking my head.

"Sorry." He mutters. Kian turns to me grinning and kisses me on the lips. "We can finally move in together." He whispers on my lips before pecking them quickly.

"It's a win win." I smile before turning back to my food. I'm so happy my daughter will have a wonder family to come into.
Hoped you liked it. Sorry for the late update guys I was away and then swim practice started. I'll try harder guys so don't worry.

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Love you all


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