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Freshman year of college was fairly easy. Sam and I stayed in touch. Jack and I haven't spoken since the day in the airport. Who knows, maybe he took my words into consideration and stayed with Brianna.

I honestly don't care. Over the school year I gradually forgot about Jack and focused on my relationship with Sam and my education.

[Sam] how long until your plane lands baby

[Sarah] i think about 10 minutes

[Sam] i can't wait to see you

[Sarah] me too

[Sam] i'm going to hug you so tight

Leaving him on read, I gathered my belongings, making sure I had everything and cleaning any garbage by my seat.

The pilot soon came over the intercom, informing us that we were 5 minutes away from landing.

A surge of anxiousness and excitement flooded my veins. I didn't know what to expect. Sam told me that him, Nate and Johnson would be waiting for me in the very front.

I love those three. They bring me joy whenever I feel down and I could never ask for a better group of friends.

Waiting for the plane to touch the ground, I texted Amanda and Kelcey, informing them that I was going to be home in a few and that we should hang out.

[Kelcey] sounds good

[Amanda] kk. i have someone i'd like you to meet too

[Kelcey] she's got that right 😉

[Amanda] shut the fuck up kelcey. don't mind her sarah, we'll see you soon

[Sarah] lol, bye guys

Shaking my head, I stuffed my phone into my purse, making sure everything was secure.

The plane came to a complete stop, letting first class (me) exit first. I stepped out of the contraption and onto solid ground.

It felt amazing to be home again. I made my way to the front, my face in my phone, checking Twitter and Instagram.

I was bombarded by 'Welcome Home' messages and pictures. Thanking everyone who sent them, I stepped onto the escalator that lead me to the front.

Putting away my phone, I glanced up at the perfect sight that was in front of my eyes.

Nate, Sam and Johnson all stood in a line, searching for me as if I were some celebrity. Johnson spotted me first and pointed me out to the others.

They flailed there arms frantically, almost making me think that their arms were going to pop out of their sockets.

I laughed at the sight and gently waved back to them. I stepped off of the belt and walked towards them. I was suddenly startled when I saw them running straight for me.

They engulfed me in their warm embrace, hugging tight, but making sure not to crush my petite body.

"Hi guys." I spoke after they finally let go of me.

"Hey lil ma." Nate shot me a playful smirk. I rolled my eyes, laughing at his boyish ways.

"Hey there, Sarbear." Johnson winked.

"Hey baby." Sam pulled me to him, placing a kiss on my soft lips. Oh how I missed this.

"How have y'all been?" I questioned, interlocking my hand with Sam's and walking toward the front doors.

"Good." They all said simultaneously.

We broke out into laughter, walking towards the car. I smiled up at Sam, admiring his features and thinking about how badly I missed him.

"How've you been? How's school?" Nate asked.

"Don't even get me started." I rolled my eyes, thinking back to the days where I was rushing to get to school in the morning because my alarm clock didn't go off.

"Wait." Sam stopped.

I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering why we stopped five feet away from the car.

"So, we brought a plus one." His voice got quieter towards the end of his sentence.

"Oh ok. That's cool. Who is it?" I remained open minded.

"Should I tell her?" Sam asked the boys. I looked at them, narrowing my eyes. They both put their hands up in defense, shrugging their shoulders.

"This one's on you bro." Johnson said.

As if on cue, my phone began to ring. Taking it out, I looked at the caller id, immediately answering the call.

"Saved by the bell." Sam exhaled a breath.

"Not just yet mister." I pointed an accusing finger at him.

"Hey mom." I spoke into the phone, slowly walking away from the guys.

"Hi sweetie, have you landed yet?" She eagerly asked.

"Yea, I was just about to get in the car." I looked around at the vast amount of cars.

"Oh good. I can't wait to see you." I could practically hear her smile.

"Me too mom. I gotta go, I'll see you soon." The line went dead and I put my phone into my pocket, walking back towards eveyone.

"So, are you going to tell me now?" I looked at Sam.

Sam scratched the back of his neck, looking at everone else for help.

"Well?" I started to get irritated. "Please, Sam, just tell me. You're making this a bigger issue than it needs to be." I rubbed my temples.

"You won't get mad?" He tilted his head.

"No, just tell me and we can put this stupid thing behind us."

"Promise?" He held his pinkie out.

I wrapped my small pinkie around his, kissing it like we always did and then pulled it away.

He opened his mouth to say something but got interrpted by the car door opening. All of our attention averted to the dark brown hair that now poked out from the top of the matte black jeep.

"Sam, what are you doing? Hurry the fuck up." He furrowed his perfect eyebrows as he glanced in between me and Sam. His eyes scanned my body and he bit his plump lip.

Looking down at my clothing I silently gasped, wrapping my sweater around me. I forgot I was wearing shorts with a crop top and my black nike sweater.

He got back into the car, shutting the door behind him.

"Really Sam?" I whisper shouted.

"I'm sorry. He wanted to come and it's been so long since you two saw each other. I just thought that you would want to see him too."

I sighed, shaking my head and walking to the car. I opened the back door, ignoring Jack and getting in. I stared out of the window as the car started up and drove out of the huge parking lot.

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The picture is Deja btw.

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