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I watched Jack swallow his second shot. He grabbed my hand pulling me to the middle of the crowded hotel venue. It was the final minutes until the new year.

Everyone began counting down.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2." I looked into Jack's beautiful brown eyes, pulling his head down and connecting my lips to his. Our lips moved in perfect sync as everyone cheered around us.

I pulled away, taking his hand and leading him to the lobby. I held his hand in one hand and rested the other on the counter.

"Hello ma'am, how can I help you?"

"Hi, I'd like to purchase a room." I looked at Jack.

"And how many nights will you be spending?" The lady asked as she typed something into her computer.

"Only one."

"And is it only you two?" She pointed between Jack and I.


"Ok, and what kind of room are you looking for tonight?" She looked up at me.

I decided to splurge since we barely stay in hotels. "A suite."

"Alright. Are you paying with cash or credit?"

"Credit." I said as I looked down at my purse, digging through the mess for my wallet.

As I was about to grab it Jack let go of my hand and dug in his back pocket. "How much?" He asked.

"315." The lady responded.

I put my hand on Jack's arm. He looked down at me smiling while he handed the lady his card. I rolled my eyes stuffing my wallet back in my purse.

"Here's this back and here are some room keys. Enjoy your stay at the Marriott." She waved us off.

I took Jack's hand back into mine as we walked towards the elevator. My phone vibrated in my coat pocket catching my attetion.

I looked at it for a quick second ignoring the call.

"Who was that?" Jack asked as the elevator doors opened.

"No one." I brushed it off as we walked in. I hit one of the top floor buttons, listening to the ding of the door closing.

Jack turned to me, looking into my eyes for a second. He leaned in and so did I. His lips brushed against mine before they crashed together. I parted my lips and slid my tongue into his mouth.

Our tongues danced as our lips moved in perfect sync. He pushed me against the the wall, lifting me onto the hand rail. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

The elevator came to a halt and the doors opened revealing an obviously rich couple. By this time Jack and I were standing hand-in-hand like nothing happened.

We smiled at the people that entered as they clicked the lobby button. The elevator ascended one more floor before opening to our floor. We left quietly, laughing after the doors closed.

We eventually found our room, entering without and problems. My eyes grew wide at how lavish one room could be. I looked towards Jack and he looked down at me.

I hung my coat on a hanger and kicked off my heels, walking towards the couch. I stopped when I noticed Jack was following. I walked to the other side trying to avoid him.

I laughed as he looked at me confused. He chased after me around the couch and when we kept going in circles he jumped over the back of the couch almost catching me.

I laughed as I ran to the room and shut the sliding door behind me. The right door opened slightly and Jack popped his head in looking both ways. His eyes landed on me as he flew in my direction.

I jumped and ran to the bed, climbing all the way to the headboard. I screamed as he came closer. He pulled my feet to him and I was now sprawled out on the king sized bed.

He got on top of me, hovering his lips over mine. I lifted my head closing the small gap. His hand slid down the side of my body landing on my hip.

I smiled into the kiss, giggling at our short game of cat and mouse. He took that opportunity to attack my neck, sucking harshly, surely leaving mulitple marks.

My hands moved up to his head, tangling my fingers into his hair. He lifted his head, slowly removing my beige, long sleeve, form-fitting dress. He reconnected his lips to mine, gradually moving lower.

My fingers went back into his hair, moving lower as his head got lower. He kissed my stomach lightly causing me to smile uncontrollably. He came to the waistband of my black thong, pulling it down with his teeth.

He took in the sight of my bare sex, licking his lips. He kissed my inner thighs slowly, filling my body with pure arousal.

I wanted him. I needed him.

He attached himself to me as he held my thighs down with his firm hands. His warm tongue swirled around my clit as a knot formed in my stomach.

I threw my head back tightening my grip in his hair. I pulled slightly earning a groan which rattled my spine. I shut my eyes removing one hand from his head to grip onto the sheets.

He stuck a finger into me, pulsating in and out. He added another, curling it inside of me. I moaned out his name as I reached my high.

My chest lifted and lowered rapidly as I struggled to catch my breath. I looked down at him biting my lip as he sucked on his fingers.

He put his head back in between my thighs, sticking his tongue out and gliding it up my body. My hips buckled as the warm unexpected contact.

His eyes met mine as he rested his hand on my cheek. His thumb grazed my bottom lip as we stared into each others eyes.

"You're so beautiful."

I smiled as my cheeks began to heat up. I tilted my head slightly, taking his thumb into my mouth and swirling my tongue around it as I began to suck on it .

I moaned a little as his eyes grew a few shades darker; an element of hunger. As if he was the predator and I was his prey.

I unbuttoned his white dress shirt, pulling it out of his pants and throwing it somewhere in the room. He removed his finger, attacking my lips.

I slid my hand down his torso, palming him through the dark material of his dress pants.

"Now you're gonna get it." He smiled maniacally.

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