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I ran to the bathroom holding my mouth and hoping I wouldn't let my hand slip. I slammed the door against the wall sliding onto the floor and releasing the acidic liquid into the toilet.

My stomach heaved a few more times before I was finished. I wiped my mouth and rinsed with some water.

Gabriel was at work so therefore I was home alone. I started freaking out so I called the first person that came to mind.

"I think I'm pregnant!!" I practically yelled through the phone.

"What?! How?!"

"Are you serious Deja? Did you really just ask 'how'?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, sorry, but what?!!! When was the last time you got your thing?"

"About a month and a half ago." I did the math sighing at my stupid mistake. How did I not notice?

"Well, you may be pregnant Sarah. I mean, you are 22, almost 23, and engaged."

"No shit Sherlock." I huffed.

"Hey, calm down, you called me."

"I just don't understand, we always use protection and I just started on birth control." I explained.

"Well was there any time in between that where you didn't use protection and weren't on birth control?"

"Yeah, but we were careful." I grew frustrated.

"Sometimes 'careful' doesn't work Sarah."

I sighed, completely frustrated with myself. "How's Xavier?"

"Don't even get me started." She groaned.

"Mm. Hey I'll be home in a week." I grew excited.

"Oh, that's right, I'm turning 20." She forced a laugh.

"12/3/96." (Ofc I'm not following actual time but I am followung the actual years.)


"Be excited." I demanded.

"Yay." She said with faint excitement.

"Please don't tell anyone, about the pregnancy thing, at least not until I actually know." I begged.

"Of course."

"Thanks. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Alright, I'll talk to you later." I said hanging up.

I rested my hand on my forehead, noticing that I was warmer  than usual. I made a decision to go to the store and grab a few things.

I threw on some sweats, a pair of my brown uggs, a random t-shirt, and one of Gabriel's sweaters and brushed my teeth. I exitied my condo, making my way down to my car.

I drove a couple miles to the nearest Walmart, parking close to the entrance so I wouldn't have to walk so far. As I walked in, the warm air hit my body, making me hotter than I already was.

I walked down one of the many aisles looking for any brand of what I needed. I finally found them at the end of the aisle. I picked up a handful of random pregnancy tests, not caring about the price or brand, and shoved it in my basket.

I walked to the frozen section grabbing anything that looked even remotely good and shoving it in my basket.

By the time I was finished, it was already 3:30 so I decided to spend another hour out of the house and go to the mall.

I walked through the mall doors, stripping my sweater and laying it across my arm. I had been determined to get new glasses but I never had the time but today would be the day I got them.

After about an hour in the store, I had had my eyes exaimed and had chosen the glasses I wanted.

When I left, I was really feeling myself so I took a few pictures of me and my new glasses and sent them to Gabriel over Snapchat.

When I left, I was really feeling myself so I took a few pictures of me and my new glasses and sent them to Gabriel over Snapchat

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I wandered the giant mall finding myself in front of Victoria's Secret. I grabbed one of the store bags and quickly filled it with both bras and panties, and 2 or 3 lingerie sets. Then walking into Pink I grabbed another bag and filled it to the max.

I went into one of the changing rooms and tried on everything in the baskets. I did put some things back, but I kept the majority of everything I originally had in the baskets.

Once I had gotten all of my clothes back on I went to the perfume section and picked a few fragrances. I laid them on top of the clothes and got in line to pay.

I hadn't noticed before but the store was pretty packed. After about 10 minutes in line it was finally my turn to pay. I laid everything on the counter and in no time the lady had my stuff paid for and bagged.

I thanked her and wished her a good rest of her day.


I walked through the door, shutting it behind me and making my way to the kitchen to unpack everything.

After I was finished I went to the bathroom to take the pregnancy tests.

While I was in the car I drank a bunch of water so when i arrived home I desperately needed to pee.

Once I peed on every test I finished cleaning myself and waited for the results.

My phone started ringing in my pocket. I reached down, sliding it out and examining the unknown number. I hit the green button bringing the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I picked up the phone glancing down at the tests.

"Hey." My breathing caught in my throat as I dopped all of the pregnancy tests to the floor.

"Yeah?" I breathed out. Of course that's the only thing I managed to say.

"I want you back, Sarah."

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Hopefully there's not many spelling errors... i mean, it's late, don't criticize me

-You call her Stephanie? I call her Hefa-ney

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