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5 months later

"How've you been?" The salt and peppered haired man asked.

I didn't answer him, staring down at my hands.

"Do you want to talk about anything?" He tried looking at me.

I shook my head, figiting in my seat. All I wanted to do was leave.

"Is your perscription empty?" I shook my head again. "Have you been taking it every day?"

I didn't do anything that time, annoyed by his questions. No, I hadn't been taking it every day because it makes me feel like I'm not even human, but he didn't need to know that.

He let out a deep sigh, shaking his head slightly. "Sarah, you have to take it. It'll help you get through the pain."

I rolled my eyes, "Can I leave now?"

He let out another sigh, nodding his head. I stood from the couch, reachimg for the door handle. Without another word I left the bland, beige room, ingnoring my mom on the way out.

I walked out of the equally bland office making my way to my car with my mom following close behind.

"I'll see you at home, mom." I waved her off getting into the drivers side of the car. Flashback from the months before filled my mind as I sat in the hot and humid car.

*2 months before*

"She's depressed." My mom told my new therapist.

"And why is that, if I may ask?" The man questioned, adjusting his wire-rimmed glasses.

"There was an... issue...a while back, between her and her ex. It really hurt her and she became a whole different person; more sad, and, disheveled." She thought carefully about her answer.

"Would you like to explain further?" This seemingly familiar man asked.

I nodded, looking towards the woman that sat next to me. "She has to leave though."

No one knew about the incident. The night it happened I lied and told my mom we got into a verbal fight and nothing else.

He nodded his head and glanced over to my mom. She shook her head understandingly, getting up to leave. Once the door shut behind her I started from the beginning; when Sam and I first started dating.


An hour had gone by and I was nearing the end of my intense story.

"And that's when I blocked everyone out, including Jack." I wiped the tears from under my eyes.

The man didn't say anything for a while, we only stared at each other, exchanging unspoken feelings.

"I'm sorry Sarah." He sympathized.

"Me too."

"Have you spoken to Jack yet? How long has it been since..?" He trailed off.

"3 months and no, I haven't."

"Well, the way you light up when you speak of him makes me think that you should. You don't have to tell him about anything, but if your relationship is really how you describe it to be, then he deserves an explanation as to why you just disappeared for all these months." He explained.

I nodded my head in understanding.


After the next couple sessions, my depression became worse. I got prescribed some medication to try to help with the pain and at first, it did, but as I took it more and more I began to feel different. I didn't like the way it made me feel so I stopped taking it altogether.

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