Love Elevator 11 - Dominic

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The banner was made by Saffiyahhxxx :D Thank you!



He stood there laughing at me, and I could feel that I started to get angry. Oh no! There was no way. No way at all for him to get out of this. He saw my murderous expression and looked at me questioningly.

“What?” He asked me. He seemed pretty scared and without another thought, I punched him. He wasn’t prepared and accidentally bumped his head against the elevator wall.

Oops! He fainted!


Dominic (before he fainted)

She had to pee! She had to pee! I cringed at that, and I could only imagine the smell. Oh no! I was panicked and couldn’t think at all. I offered her my help by opening the elevator door, but she said there was not enough time. She couldn’t hold it in any longer. She kept pestering me to think of something. I bet she couldn’t think of anything except her bladder. Well, luckily, even though I felt the need to do it too, it wasn’t so bad like her.

I tried to think of something. Then I told her to pee and let it flow into the bottle. That was what I would do. What else? She scolded me and said that it was impossible. It would make her fluid overflow. I cringed at that. Please don’t! I couldn’t handle the smell. Sensitive nose here! I scratched my nose and thought of something. Yes, she was my mate and all that, but there was no way I would love that part of her.

Her bag!

Girls always had a lot of things in their bag and maybe there were some things that could be useful. She agreed with me and spilled the whole things to the elevator floor. And man, I was right! There were a lot of junks in there. Well, for me of course. Obviously, she wouldn’t think like that. I looked at all of it. Ugh – So many things to go through.

Bottled water? Nah! She didn’t want that. Snickers? She still got a lot of them. I took some of them and put it in my pockets. She didn’t pay any attention to me, so she didn’t notice my gestures. Whoaaa . . . Lucky me! Towel? Panties – well – more like thongs? Lacey Bra? What the hell? Did she want to move away or something? But, I wasn’t complaining. I pretty enjoyed the view. Whooohooo . . . .

I looked at the other things. Tissue, meds, mirror, hairbrush, hair pin, hair bands, sun block, body splash, perfume, shaver. What the hell was that shaver for? Socks? Luckily, the socks were new! Not smelly at all! It meant that she loved to clean up. Good mate! I hate dirt. Then I saw her wallets. I wanted to see the pictures that usually girls had in there, but I didn’t want to violate her privacy. My brain told me to take a peek, just a little tiny bit, but my heart didn’t allow me. So, yeah, I guessed I would follow my heart.

There were still a lot of things. I had no idea how she could fit it all inside her bag. Scientific calculator, pocket dictionary, oil removing sheets, deodorant. Scissors? What was that scissors for? Pens, sunglasses, camera, glasses case, sudoku book, iPod, hand sanitizer, keys, floss, band-aids, lotion,  planners, deck of cards, toothbrush, toothpaste. What the hell? There were a lot of junks.

Then I found a tampon, while she kept searching randomly. She was not focusing on anything at all. It looked like she lost all her concentrations there, so I gave her the tampon. She stared at it for a few seconds and then threw it at me.

 “Well, I heard that it could absorb fluid – er blood? So, I thought maybe it could absorb your –ugh- that fluid?” I asked her innocently.

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