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 *New and Improved Version*

I broke into a run. Well, half running and half stumbling. My mission now was to escape from this collapsing hell. And since I was too focused on saving my life, all the giddy emotions in my head left with the wind. Stalactites that hung from the ceiling were crashing down. These were not my problem for they were easy to dodge. I was once trained like that to test my alert and swiftness when I was 15 years old.

Halfway, I spotted a pile of rocks that crushed a once living soul. I could tell by a hand smeared with blood and was sticking out from the pile.

May God bless this stranger, I said sarcastically.

The pathway to the outer cave became small and tight and I had to squeeze through it.

An enormous boulder from above was trying to squeeze its way down. I had to move more quickly. All of a sudden, when I nearly reached the end of the narrow path, something or someone tugged at my hair hard. I faced to my right to see a brown-skinned man, who had a bleeding forehead, was pulling my hair.

"Let go!" I cried and used Tatum's way of stunning people just like she did when I fell out of the aircraft so suddenly, by using my elbow. I hit his face with it and he released my hair immediately and snarled at me. I fled from him and before the boulder smashed on top of him, he shouted to me in English.

"You will never escape this island alive! Never!"

It crashed on him as blood streamed out leisurely. What does he mean? Of course you can escape an island easily!

Light poured in and I could see the exit of the cave. However, the place was still falling down. Minutes were ticking away as earth swallowed the hollow place in the underground. I scrambled, avoiding falling rocks, trying to ignore the dizzy sensation and staying focus and sprinted straight to the light. I earned few scratch from the stalactites that plummeted down.

The crack on the floor stretched to each corner of the room before breaking apart. I jumped into the light and landed in new surroundings.

It was evening. The ray of light was in a brilliantly orange color. Despite all, thunder came to ruin my victory. It rumbled from far away but moved very quickly. When I reached an overhanging rock which was a meter to my right, it started to pour. I sat under the shelter, alone and was expecting a hurricane. The sky became dark and only flashes of lightning decorated it, making the whole place a gloomy town.

Alone. Cold. Hurt. Sad.

I still had not found the benefits from these four feelings. They were all jumbled up.

My eyes were feeling heavy. The wind was telling me to go to sleep. But I was too stubborn, so I sat there feeling grumpy. Storm was never my friend. I decided to pace up and down, under the overhanging rock to forget the urge to sleep. The pacing like a cat outside a mouse hole made me thirsty. Recently, I had forgotten how it felt to be thirsty for I was focusing on escaping the cave and now, like a notification, it came back. I instantly cupped my hands to trap rainwater and drank it to my heart's content. After four cups, I was done and was very happy.

Twenty minutes past and still the rain had not dried its tears yet. The patter of the water made several unique noises everywhere. Like the way it makes on a green leaf. It went tap tap tap.

Music was what I needed, one of the famous therapies. I took out my MP3 player and pressed 'shuffle play' button. It was a good thing the MP3 was waterproof for I had forgotten to hold it while wading in the water. And it survived the crash too! Not wanting to pull attraction, I lowered the volume.

At first, the rain drowned the music and voice whilst I tried to contact anyone using my radio. Until the chorus part, the voice became loud and clear. My favourite song, Let it go by James Bay.

The sweet melody came from the song. How I enjoyed Blues rock songs at time or weather like this.

I lie down on my back and felt safe to sleep. Never mind the other survivors. The day had come to an end and a new, fresh one would appear soon. I closed my eyes and called it a night.


To be honest with all of you, I am having a hard time picturing Perrie's face. Among all of the actresses in the world, who do you think suits her personality?



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