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*New and Improved Version*

William looked daggers at me while I was thinking a way to get back on top of the slope. I saw big boulders that were far too dangerous to climb. I saw a tunnel beside one of the boulders but was exhausted to explore. I discerned tress that gripped the slope in a line. And a light bulb clicked above my head.

"The trees," I said and staggered over to him. William faced the waterfall, giving me the cold shoulders as an answer. I poke his side gently, he did not respond. I stepped on his foot on purpose in order to get his attention.


"I need your rope and arrow."


"Just give me your rope and arrow."

As he scowled at me, I took my own arrow and snatched his rope, tied it at the end of my arrow and targeted a tall tree. The feather-tailed wood flew by my command but failed to reach my target. Failing at first attempt is normal to me. I picked it off the ground and tried again. At the third time, it dashed right into a part in the highest tree. Third time lucky. And I thought about giving up before the last endeavor.

Maybe at least he would clap one more time. I peeked at him and he was tearing a yellow leaf into tiny little pieces.

Damn you! I fumed inside my mind.

I fastened the end of the rope I held to a strong tree on the ground. After assuring myself that the rope was secured and safe to climb, I began to go towards the tree. William refused to join for he feared of the rope being broken. I forced myself to move on even though my hands were numb every second by the time I got to the second tree. Whenever I felt like I was about to slip, I rested on a branch and glanced back to see what was he up to. I could see that he had done many useless activities.

He went berry picking, and then stared at the stars and moon in awe, after that, glimpsed at the rope with a doubtful look on his face and lots more. I finally reached the target and stopped to ease off for two minutes. I gave William a signal to take his turn by shaking it until I felt him stopping the vibration. While he was doing so, I climbed on some limb of the trees and came down on the ground lightly.

The swaying lantern was hung to a bough. Nevertheless, the village remained deserted. It made me wonder about who lit it. If the enemies did, where are they?

"I think they are searching for their missing tools," William suddenly said solemnly.

"We must go, they might be back soon."

He paused for a brief moment and shoved a painkiller in my hands. "I forgot I have them until I saw your leg."

"But what will happen?" I said and swallowed the pill in my mouth without water.

"Big deal! We only took their ammos and two weapons," He spoke apathetically. "They probably have like a base here somewhere. So why care about missing tools?"

William gripped my hand and we ran together, pulling me into a forest. "Wait," I said and tugged my hand.

"Why didn't I think of that before? If there is a base here, maybe they took Kate there."

I looked at him earnestly, "And if there is a base here, it might be in..."

A high pitched voice disturbed us. "Where the hell have you two been? We've been waiting for both of you lunatic daredevils about six hours ago!"

A pair of boots appeared at our side, and I looked up to meet a surprise. A light from a flashlight shone and we could see Levi who was stressed out and Tatum with a grin on her face. It was clear that she was the one mocking us.

Instead of retaliating to her grin, I dragged all of them slowly back to our new camp far away from the gate to share them what I had found.

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