Chapter one: "I miss you."

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Dipper's (POV)

Three months...

That's how long it's been since I last saw her. It is now November 18th, just a few days away from Thanksgiving. As I finish up the last of my homework, I couldn't stop thinking about what my friends back in Gravity Falls are doing since we left. I put my finished homework in my back pack, and laid in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I gave a sigh as my thoughts wondered to a certain redhead. Wendy. I couldn't stop thinking about her for months, and I was really missing her. I know I couldn't see her until next summer, but it seemed like time was moving slower now that we are apart.

Wendy and I were partners in crime since the beginning of the summer. We got into all different kinds of trouble, but always get off scott free. We were best friends, and still are. I talk to her over the phone sometimes, but it isn't the same as talking to her face to face. Sometimes I wonder if she thinks about me, like I think about her. My thoughts were cut short when I heard my bedroom door open.

"Hey Dipper."

I look up to see my sister Mabel there. She smiled at me, and I smiled back. She walks into my room, and spoke up again.

"Mom and Dad wanted me to tell you, that dinner is ready."

"Okay, thanks Mabel."

She nodded and walks out of the room. I sighed again before I got up from my bed. I walk down stairs to the kitchen table, and sit next to Mabel. Mom handed me a plate of chicken, and sat down by my Dad. I just stared at the plate, I didn't feel like eating. Mabel saw this, and put a hand on my shoulder.

"You okay bro-bro?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just a lot on my mind lately."

"You thinking about Wendy again?"

I look up at her, and blushed deeply before I spoke up again.

"How did you know?! I mean, how would you know?"

"Because Dipper, I know you. I mean, you haven't taken off your trappers hat since Wendy gave it to you."

I grab the trappers hat on my head, and pull down on it, as I spoke up again.

"Well of course I wouldn't take it off, Wendy gave it to me to remember her by. If course, I don't think she needs to worry about that."

"Exactly! Dipper, I can see that you miss her, and it's okay I miss my friends too. But you will see her again next summer."

"I know, but it just seems far away though."

"It might seem like torture right now, but trust me. I know Wendy misses you just as much as you miss her."

I smiled at her, and she smiled back. Later that night, I sat at my bed side, looking out the window of my room. I looked up at the stars in the sky, and sighed. My mind wondered abit, and I remembered that Wendy used to love star gazing with me. Now it's just not the same. I take off my hat, and lied down in my bed. Before I fell asleep, I looked at my nightstand to see a picture of me and Wendy together in each other's arms hugging. I smiled at the picture and started to dose off.

"I miss you Wendy..."

With that, I finally fell asleep that night.

Author's note:

I hope you enjoyed the story so far. More chapters soon!

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