Chapter six: "I'll tell you all about it when I see you again."

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Dipper's (POV)

As I make my way out of the house, I take only my phone, and the picture of me and Wendy together. I put them in my vest, and run out of the house.
I started down the road to the bus station, and walked up to the desk.

"Excuse me, I would like one ticket to Gravity Falls Oregon."

"Okay, that will be 15 dollars."

The guy told me without even looking up from his newspaper. I handed him the money I brought with me, and he looked at me funny.

"Hey, aren't you a little young to ride alone?"

"Yes, yes I am."

I grabbed the ticket and got on the buss. I sat in the back row, and sighed. I felt kinda weird doing this so close to Thanksgiving, but I just had to see Wendy, and nothing will stop me from seeing her. I just hope that she will be happy to see me. As the bus leaves for Gravity Falls, I sighed a little, I guess apart of me wished that I brought Mabel along. I pulled out my picture of me and Wendy together, and I sighed again. I wonder how she is now that I'm not around. But I guess she will tell me all about it when she sees me again.

Wendy's (POV)

I fell asleep on the car ride to my grandparents house. When I woke up, it was close to dawn. I looked at me phone, and saw it was 5:30 am. I yawned and reached into my pocket, and pulled out my picture of Dipper and me hugging. I smiled at the picture and sighed. My dad saw this, and spoke up to me.

"You okay Pumpkin?"

"Yeah, I just really miss someone."

"And who would that be?"

"My friend Dipper. We became best friends over the summer, and it feels weird having a holiday without him and his sister."

"I get it, but I'm sure he is getting ready for Thanksgiving with his family too."

"I guess you're right."

I smiled again, and held the picture close to me. I really did miss him, but I knew he was with his family. But I do wonder how he has been doing. But I guess he will tell e all about it when he sees me again.

Author's note:

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