Chapter eight: "I've had you on my mind."

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Dipper's (POV)

As I traveled around the forest, I kept my picture of Wendy with me. I don't know why I always keep it with me where ever I go, but when I see her face I just feel at home. So that's why I'm looking for her. I know that she's probably still in town, I just have to find out where exactly. As I travel down the path of the forest, I hear the birds chirping in the distance. As I walk, I see a Fox trott along side me. With all these great sights, and pretty sounds, it made me wish Wendy was by my side. I know she would of loved it, no doubt.

As I walked farther down into the forest, I spotted a berry bush, just as my stomach growled.

"Well, I guess I could eat a few."

I walked to the berry bush, and saw that they were blue berries. I grabbed a handfull of blue berries, and washed them in a near by stream.
After I ate the berries, I started down the dirt road again. I won't give up until I find Wendy! I just hope she is okay.

Wendy's (POV)

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I hit the snooze button, and yawned. I climbed out of bed, and walked into the living room where my grandpa was watching TV. I walked by him, and I heard him speak up to me.

"Hey Wendy, your brothers are outside playing baseball if you want to join them."

"Thanks grandpa, but I think I'll pass."

"You alright Wendy? You seem tense."

"I'm fine, just tired, that's all."

"You're sure it's not that brown haired fellow, that's been on your mind?"

I blushed after he said that. Truth was, I was still thinking about him. I was thinking about what he was doing now that he is back home. I wondered if he was still the loveable nerd.


I snapped back to reality after I heard my name being called. I shook my head to clear my thoughts, and spoke up, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Uhh yeah, sorry I zoned out for a second."

"I noticed, I can tell when my granddaughter has a crush."

"Crush?! Pfft, me like Dipper? No, come on."

"I can see it in your eyes Wendy. You do like this boy. It's clearly obvious."

"How can you tell?"

"Every time I mention his name, you blush. Every time you talk about him, you zone out and go on, and on about him. And you always carry a picture of the two of you together. It's clear that you like him."

I honestly didn't think of all of that. I blushed again, and spoke up again.

"Man, that legend about old people being wise, was right after all."

My grandfather laughed, and I walked out of the room to think. Is it possible that I do like Dipper? I never thought of it that way. Maybe my grandpa is right, maybe I do like him.

"Uh oh."

Author's note:

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