Dealing With It

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Riley's POV

I can't believe he said that. After everything that's happened he doesn't even like me.

"Hey Riles." Maya said nervously

I just rolled my eyes and kept walking. I blame her for all of this.

Maya's POV

I can believe she just ignored me. I get we haven't been talking that much, but all she had to say was hi.

"Hey Maya." Farkle said

"Hey Farkle."

"Have you talked to Riley at all?"

"I tried and she rolled her eyes at me and walked past me." She said

"That doesn't sound like Riley at all. I wanted to talk to you because I heard what Lucas said to you earlier and I have a feeling Riley did too." Farkle explained

"Shit." She muttered "Even if she did, she has no right to be mad at me."

"I know, but we both know how stubborn Riley is."

"Damn it Lucas." Maya said

"Oh what did I do know." Lucas said walking towards them

"Riley heard what you said earlier."

"And? Look she has no right to be mad at any of us if that's what you're implying. If I recall she was the one who outed your feelings to the world." Lucas said

"He's got a point. And you would've found out sooner or later that Riley still likes Lucas. And by then the situation would be ten times worse."

"You guys are right, but do you think she'll talk to us again." Maya said

"Who knows, this is Riley we're talking about." Farkle sighed

"Come on we got to get to class." Lucas said

"Yeah Good thing it's the last class of the day."

The bad thing was that we all have this class with Riley. This is not gonna turn out well, at all.

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