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"Alright Huckleberry, what is the capital of Missouri?"

"Jefferson City."

"Correct." She exclaimed

"Okay ShortStack what is the capital of Illinois?"


"Good job Maya. Look at you learning stuff." Lucas said looking through his flash cards

"Yeah, yeah. Can we be done now?" She pleaded

"No, that was only the third card." Lucas laughed

"Ugh." Maya complained, falling back on Lucas's bed

"Come on Maya, our test is tomorrow."

"No, I'm just gonna lay here forever."

"Maya we have to study."

"But It's hard." She whined

"Maya," he started

"Lucas." She said sitting up

"Please study." He begged rolling on his back

"What do I get out of this?"

"A good grade." Lucas said hopefully

"Ugh." Maya said groaning into a pillow

"Come on, it's just geography. I'll make a deal with you."

"I'm listening."

He probably has nothing

"If you can get the rest of the flashcards done, I'll buy you ice cream," Lucas  said "And pizza." He added

"Fine, lets get this over with."


"That was so much work." Maya groaned, while plopping on the couch

"You're lucky I was hungry." Lucas laughed

"You think this is funny?" Maya smirked

"Yes I do."

"You suck." She said shaking her head

"Yeah but you," Lucas started

"I swear if you finish that sentence." Maya threatened

"Fine, but it was a good joke." Lucas shrugged

"Asshole." Maya chuckled


"It's getting late, I'm gonna head home." Maya said

"But it's raining."

"It's fine." She reassured

"Why don't you just stay here?" Lucas asked

"So you really wanna repeat Valentines Day?" She questioned

"I'll just tell my Dad you're staying over." He shrugged

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure, if you go outside you'll get soaked." He laughed

"Fine, but if I get in trouble then it's your fault." She said pointing at him.

"Yeah,yeah." Lucas said "Let me find you something to wear."

3rd Person

Almost everyone bombarded her with questions when she showed up to school with Lucas, wearing one of his sweatshirts and the same pants from the day before

"Looks like somebody had a sleepover." Farkle smirked 

"It's raining cats and dogs outside." Zay said taking off his hood

"And it was raining cats and dogs last night." Lucas said leaning against the lockers

"Oh looks like somebody slept over because of the rain." Zay said nudging Farkle

"Yeah the rain." He exaggerated

"Ooo, same clothes Maya." Riley winked

"I hate you guys."She chuckled, shaking her head

"What is this?" Cory asked as they walked into his class room

"Well Matthews, we're these things called students." Maya told him

Lucas laughed and took his seat, along with the rest of them

"So is this a thing now." Cory asked pointing to Lucas and Maya

"I don't know is it?" Farkle asked looking at Maya intently

Maya looked at Lucas "Eh." She shrugged

He just sat there and smiled 

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