Chapter 18

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Oliver's pov~

I got out of my car and ran into a dark ally. I pulled out my phone to look at the time...2 am. Montie apparently said he got mugged and is in some dark room.

"Shit gotta stop going out late." I mumbled to myself, looking for a door of some sort. I reached from my belt strap and pulled out a hand gun. I hid these well enough so Draven wouldn't find them. "These bitches ain't gonna mess with me now." I walked around a little more, then discovered a padlocked door next to me. I reached my hand out to touch it, but I heard someone.

"What's a young boy like you doin' out here." A raspy voice spoke from the dark. I pulled my gun towards them as they walked closer. "Oh? And you have a-" before he could finish, I shot him in the neck.

"Shut up...I'm just here to find my best friend..." I walked over and kicked the dead man's face, then went to the door again. I picked at the lock with my claw, but it didn't budge. I put my gun to the lock and shot it open. I opened the door and walked in. There was a dim light coming from the corner so I followed it.

"What a cute young man, you are." I heard a distant voice from around the corner.

"You fucking man whore! Let me GO!" I heard a familier voice cry. I ran around the corner and to see Montie tied up on a dirty, worn out bed and stripped down to his boxers.

"You little fucks are really in it this time..." I said, reloading my gun. The sound was loud enough for all the guys to look at me. "Let go of my best friend or you're dead." My ears folded back and my teeth grew sharper.

"Oh no! A sweet little Neko boy is gonna hurt us!" One of the dudes said sarcastically. I walked closer to him and put my gun to his head.

"Let. Him. Go." I hissed, my eyes glowing a blazing blue. "Or I'll shoot." The guy pushed my gun away and stood up slowly.

"Sure thing...after I do this!" He pulled out a knife and slashed my arm, causing me to shoot him in the chest. Blood splattered on the bed and floor.

"Oh shit! This dude killed boss!" Three other guys gasped. They ran up to me and attempted to punch me, but I grabbed both fists and flipped them onto the floor.

"Don't fuck with me, bitches!" I kicked them around and then shot them in the head. I put away my gun and walked to Montie, who layed relieved but afraid.

"Oh my God...Oliver." He gasped. I untied him and he hugged me tightly. I hugged back. "You're the world's best friend!" I could feel tears on my shoulder.

" gotta stop goin' out so late. You're gonna get raped like that." I whispered. Montie playfully punched my back. "C'mon, let's go to my place and get you cleaned up..."

"Yeah. Good idea..." Montie stood up and found his clothes and phone. "Let's get outta this place..."


Montie and I decided to stop at a McDonald's on the way back to my place because...that's what we do.

"Draven's probably asleep so we gotta be quiet." I spoke, unlocking my front door. We walked in to see Draven on the couch, eating cereal and watching Full House reruns on television.

"Welcome back Oliver....Oh and hi Montie." Draven greeted, getting up from the couch.

"Montie is gonna stay the night..." I said, taking off my shoes and sweatshirt. Draven nodded and went back to watching t.v.. I ran up stairs with Montie and went into the restroom.

"Fuck bro...what are you gonna do with that wound?" Montie asked, looking at the cut on my arm. I slightly touched it, making me wince.

"'s fine. Go to sleep." I said, Montie listened and went into the guest room. I looked at the cut, there was blood gushing out onto the floor. I opened some cupboards to find an aid kit...but no luck, so I went to my room.

Draven's pov~

Montie and Oliver went up stairs to go to bed I guess. I turned off the television and went to go up stairs, but there was a trail of blue blood. My eyes began to tear up on how much blood was there. I slowly followed the trail all the way up, leading from the guest restroom to the bedroom.

"O-oliver?" I quivered, walking into our bathroom. He was sitting on a stool with a cloth pressed against his arm.

"U-uhm...hey." Oliver chuckled. I walked a bit closer to remove the cloth, but Oliver shifted away from me. "No...go away. You don't need to see this." I turned Oliver's head towards me.

"Yes I do...what the hell happened? Tell me." I demanded. Oliver gave in and removed the cloth, showing a deep cut on his arm. "Who did this?!"

"Some random guy...just fix it before I bleed to death..." Oliver sighed, streching his arm towards me.

"Very well..." I spoke. I went into a cupboard and found an aid kit. I took out peroxide and applied it to Oliver's wound, making him wince.

"A-ah..." He hissed, gripping onto his stool. I stroked his ear to relax him.

"It's'll sting." I cooed, dabbing the peroxide off with a cotton ball. I took out an ointment and gently applied it around the cut. "This'll help it heal..."

"Wow. You know alot about first aid..." Oliver chuckled. I smiled at him, then pulled out a thick gauze bandage.

"What do you think I read in the lounge?" I asked, laughing a little. I wrapped the bandage firmly around Oliver's wound and taped it down. "There. I gotta change it every day for you." I put away the kit and looked at my angel.

"You forgot something." He spoke, smirking. I was confused.

"What?" I asked, my ears flicking with curiosity. Oliver tangled his fingers into my hair and pulled me close.

"Kiss me to make me feel better..." He spoke, his voice hushed. I leaned in and kissed Oliver on the cheek. He laughed, then pulled me in for a real kiss.

"Mghn..." I managed to mumble as Oliver opened the door and backed me up into the bed. I fell back onto it and Oliver fell on top of me. He left my lips and started to kiss my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair and down his back. "O-oliver...a-ahh~"

"This is your weak spot?" Oliver purred into my neck, then nibbled on it again. He rubbed his knee against the thin fabric covering my now hard dick. I wrapped my legs around Oliver's waist and pulled his crotch closer to mine.

"Nghn...fuck me master..." I moaned, twirling a lock of Oliver's hair.


A/N: i had to put a horrible 'action' part in it....I had was sooo tempting 😂 oh well.

Neroscourgea out~ 😝

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