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 Shailene sat next to Chris,Sharpie in hand drawing. Josh and Chris got blackout drunk as usual this time of night,so it was just her and Beth in the living room of the lodge,with the rest of the group being who knows where. Just as she finished up making Chris a cat,ear headband and all,Beth looks over to her.

"Shay did you hear that? Dad said it would just be us this weekend.",Beth says wearily.

"Relax Beth it was probably just a friendly moose or something.",Shay replies calming her best friend,while laughing silently at her work. Beth looks at Chris and laughs herself.

"Why a cat?",she asks.

"Because he's too much of a pussy to tell Ashley how he really feels.",Shay replies laughing.

Beth laughs as well,shaking her head.

"You and Josh really are perfect for each other.",she says.

Shay smiles and then sits next to him.

"I'm thinking giant puppy.",She says pointing to Josh,Beth nods.

Beth looks around the table and picks up the empty bottle of Jeremiah Craig,before heading over to Josh . "Jeez Josh. Once again brother you've out done us all.",she says shaking him,he doesn't budge,and Shay gets to work with the Sharpie Just as she finishes up the mouth,she sees Beth holding a note.

"Oh my God.",Beth says.

"What you got there? Something juicy?",Shay asks heading over,but not before putting ears on Josh,and snapping a quick picture of him and Chris on her phone.

Shay looks at the note it reads:


You look so damn hot in that shirt...

but I bet you're even hotter out of it

Come to the guest room

at 2:00 am ;)



"What did our naive little Hannah get herself into now?",Shay asks Beth.

About two minutes later Beth and Shay see Hannah run outside the cabin.

"You try and wake Josh I'll go see what they did.",Shay says running to catch up with the others.

She's joined by Beth a few moments later,since Josh wouldn't even move. They reach the others and want some answers.

"What's going on where's my sister going?",Beth asks.

"What'd you'd guys do?",Shay asks.

"Relax she just can't take a joke.",Jess says.

"It was just a prank Han.",Emily shouts to try and make Hannah hear her.

"We were just messing around guys it wasn't serious.",Mike says.

"You guys are jerks!",Beth exclaims as she runs off looking for her sister.

"So...should we go after her?",Mike asks.

"Ya know I kinda think you're the last person she wants to see right now Mike.",Sam says with a coldness in her voice,making Shay know that she had no part in the prank.

"I'll go.",Shay says fed up.

She runs into the forest.

"Hannah! Beth!",she shouts looking left and right for the twins.

She sees some wood broken near a cliff.

"Oh God. Please no.",she whispers before looking down.

"Oh God.",she cries and tears well up in her eyes at the sight of two of her best friends dead.

She hears an ear piercing screech and looks around before she's face to face with a stranger.

"It's coming Run.",he says.

"What's coming?",Shay asks before another screech gets sent through the forest.

"RUN!",he exclaims.

Shay runs back to the lodge everything a blur because of her tears.

She reaches the group and is out of breath.

"Shay are you ok?",Ashley asks.

"Where's Hannah and Beth?",Mike asks.

Shay keeps crying and shaking her head

"Honey what happened?",Sam asks as she hugs her.

"I was looking for them....a-and see some wood near a cliff...I look down and I see...H-Hannah and Beth laying there...Lifeless. Then there was this screeching...I don't what it was,but this man told me to run...and I wasn't gonna question it. So I booked it like hell to get back here.",Shay says in between sobs.

"So wait....Hannah and Beth are.....",Jess stops not having the guts to say it since this was her fault.

"Dead.",Shay says crying harder while Sam,Ashley, and Mike,comfort her.

Now only one question burned in the back of their minds.

"Who was gonna tell Josh?"  

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