"Thank you, come again." I murmer, forcing a cheery smile.
She ignores me, snatching her bag filled with her order. She looks me over sneering, before flipping her hair sashaying away. I can tell her parents have money, considering the mid-thigh skirt, Gucci midnight black heels, white, tight crop top and an expensive smelling perfume. I look down at my worn out work shoes than her new looking heels.
"Or not." I mumble, moving to the greet the next costumer.
"Hi, welcome to Dairy Queen. Can I take your order?" I ask, leaning against the counter.
"I'll take a large number 6 with a Mountain Dew, please" She says, watching me punch in her order.
I finish putting her order in while chewing on my lip,"That'll be $7.85."
She pulls a $20 out of her shirt pocket and throws it on the counter. While the receipt prints, I search through the cash register, getting her change.
"Keep the change." She whispers, taking the receipt off of the money.
I quickly slip the change in my pocket, making sure no one saw. $12.15. That can by me a few soups, maybe one thing of meat. Combining that with my other 43 free dollars I have to spend –not the $125 I'm saving for rent– I can buy me a week, maybe a week and a half's worth of dinner. I hear the bell chime, signaling that someone is coming in. Why is everyone coming here today? It never gets this much business. Without looking up, I stand at the register.
"Welcome to Dairy Queen. Can I–" I start, getting interrupted.
"Number 3. Large." I finish typing in the order and look up, faintly recognizing the voice.
"Would you like a drink?" I mumble.
"Diet coke. Cant't risk gaining wait and losing these guns." Kellin smirks, flexing and adding that extra information.
"$7.20." I say, staring at receipt as it prints.
"Have change for a $100?" He grins, showing his perfect white teeth as he thumbs through a wad of cash, pulling out the 100 dollar bill off the top.
Stupid rich boy. Sighing deeply, I stack up a few 20's, a 10, 2 ones, 80 cents and hand it to him, setting the $100 in the register. The receipt is finished printing and I pull it out just as he throws a $1 on the counter.
"For you." He winks, laughing as he points to the dollar.
"Gee thanks." I whisper, hoping he didn't hear.
"Sure thing, sweet stuff." He winks again, sending a disgusting shiver down my spine.
Sweet stuff? What kind of nickname is that? That's hella cringey.
I snatch up the dollar, stuffing it in my pocket, saying,"Your order should be ready shortly."
He does that annoying wink and moves to the side. I roll my eyes when he looks away and grab the tray of warm food, waiting.
"Number 133." I call out, laying the receipt on the tray.
A guy with mocha colored skin comes up and grabs the tray. He murmurs a thanks and walks to the table with the girl that gave me the $20, Kellin with the rude girl sitting on his lap, his hand trailing up and down her leg, and a few others with them. I avert my eyes from Felix's hand and the girls smirk.
"Can I take your order?" Christie asks the middle-aged man from the cash register next to me.
I see a little boy– about 7 or 8– clinging to his hand. I smile at him and he hides behind the man. I hear a cook tap the bell behind me, signaling an order is ready. I look over the ticket and get the chocolate shake being made in the blender.
"Number 137." I say loudly, pushing the top on the shake.
I see a woman walk up to the cash register with a small child. I pull out a straw and set it beside the shake, saying, "I'll be right with you." She smiles at me and I call out the number again.
A little girl with two ponytails on each side of her said walks up to the counter.
She quickly grabs the tray, grinning with one tooth missing,"Thank you."
Her voice is small but adorable and I can't help but to smile, saying,"You're welcome."
She carefully walks back to her table and I see someone, probably her mom, take the tray as the little girl jumps up and down. I mentally slap myself, almost forgetting about the lady at the register.
"Hi, I'm sorry. Can I take your order?" I ask, swiping the hair from my eyes.
"Yeah, I'll take two medium chocolate dipped cones, please." She says, opening her purse and grabbing her wallet.
"That'll be $6.23." I read, popping the register open.
She hands me a $5 and two crumpled ones. I give her the 77 cents which she drops into the tip jar. I give her a friendly smile as she takes the boy's hand, pulling him to the side. I quickly do the routine for the chocolate dipped cones. Handing her them,she thanks me lightly and gives one of the cones to her son. The bell behind me chimes and I grab the tray.
"Number 147." I call, moving over a little so another worker, Rebecca, can grab the next order.
I look away when sharp green eyes appear in front of me. The arm of the snobby, rude girl is slung across Kellin's torso as he expertly slips the tray off of the counter.
With that annoying smirk, he mutters,"Thank you-" I look up and see him looking at my name tag,"Katherine."
My name coming from his lips causes butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I give a stiff nod and quickly walk, hoping neither of them saw the blush on my cheeks. I watch their feet move in the direction of table and look at the clock. 5:50. 10 more minutes than I clock out, and an hour before my second job.

Player In Love? ✏️
Romance"Listen, I want you and only you." He said huskily. I couldn't stop the blush from filling my cheeks. He was standing in front of me, shirtless and enticing. He took a few steps closer so we were directly in front of each other. Kellin places his a...