Chapter 4

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"Dante how much longer 'til table 37's food is done?" I call out to him.

"3 minutes Katrina!" He calls back.

"It's Katherine!" I say, walking out of the kitchen.

I hold two cokes and a sprite in my hands and walk to my table. I slowly set the drinks down on the table in front of the two men and little boy. They distribute the drinks and gives the boy one of the cokes.

"Are you ready to order?" I ask, slipping my order pad out of my apron.

"Can we have a few more minutes?" One of the guys ask.

"Of course." I mutter, going to greet a new table.

"Hello, my name is Katherine. I'll be your server today, how may I help you?" I repeat the same phrase I say everyday.

The group of six people all give me their drink orders and I move quickly to get them. When I walk into the kitchen, I grab number 37's food and a tray, walking out. I move through tables and make my way to my table.

"Alright, I have the kids cheeseburger, The kids chicken tenders, and the Caesar Chicken Wrap." I announce as I put the plates in front of each of them.

"Thank you." The little girls, looking about 10, says.

"You're welcome." I smile at her. "Anything else I can get for you guys?"

"No, we're good." The lady says.

I walk away to get my table of six their drinks. I hold them all on a tray and carefully distribute them among the table.

"Can I start you off with an appetizer?" I ask.

I hear a boy whisper "mozzarella sticks" to his dad.

The man sighs and says,"Can we get one order of mozzarella sticks?"

"Sure thing." I reply.

I walk away and stop at the table with the two men and little boy.

"Are you three ready to order?"

"Yes, we are." One man says.

They give me their orders and I gather the two menus, going to place their orders, along with the order of mozzarella sticks.

I look at the time on the monitor and see I have two hours of work left.

I walk into my apartment at 1:47 a.m. I would've originally been in sometime around 12:30 but I stopped by at the store on my way home. I used the $40 Kellin gave me today.

I lay the bags on the floor and lean my head against the door. I'm still surprised Kellin Sill asked me, of all people to help him. I'm not the smartest person in the school, but I'm certainly not the dumbest. I just don't get why I was asked, but I can't complain, I am getting paid $30 a day.

I finally grab the groceries and walk to the bare kitchen, putting them away. I hurry and change into a loose shirt and shorts, crawling onto the small bed. I quickly fall into a dreamless sleep.


"Hey, Katherine!" I turn around and see Alexis running after me.

She stops a foot behind me, panting slightly.

I tuck my finger under the strap of my bag, waiting to see why she stopped me. We turn around and walk down the hall.

"Yesterday, I saw the Kellin Sill, talking to you." She says with a hint of disgust and jealousy in her voice.

I stop abruptly at the disgust set in her voice. I stare at her confused and slightly angered.

"Um yeah." I state starting to walk off.

"I wonder why he talked to you and not me. I mean look st me, I'm hella hot." She mutters, whispering the last sentence to herself. "What did he even talk to you about?"

"Are you saying I'm not hot?" I question, furrowing my brow and ignoring her question.

"No, it's not that. You're cute, but we are talking about Kellin. He's practically the hottest guy on this campus. If I'm being honest, I can see him with me more than someone like you." She flicks her hair over her shoulder. She's never had a filter on that big mouth of hers.

"That's funny." I grit my teeth and tighten the hold on my carrier bags strap. "So, since I'm not his type and I'm a little nerdy, it's weird that he talked to me. But if he talked to you, it'd be totally normal. Get over yourself Alexis."

I will admit that I'm a little offended.

She opens her mouth to speak but I walk away from her. I spot Kellin further down the hall and walk towards his group. He locks eyes with me, noticing me approaching his group. I stop next to a tall, sexy, blonde guy and a petite red-headed girl. Everyone stops talking just to look at me.

"Tomorrow we can start. Your place, mine isn't an option." I state and walk away.

His friends tease and question him about what I just said as I exit the building and walk to the on-campus coffee shop before my next class. As I walk in, I am immediately hit with the aroma of coffee beans. Taking in a deep breath, I move to stand in line. It doesn't take very long for the line to move and then its my turn to order. I give them my order and go wait by the small counter.

Approximately five minutes pass until someone calls,"Katherine."

I step up, quickly thanking the guy at the counter and grab my coffee. Looking around, I spot an unoccupied table and walk to it. I set my coffee and cookie down on the table, carefully putting my carrier bag around the chair and sit in it. I slouch in the chair, slowly sipping my latte. I take turns taking little bites of my cookie and sipping my coffee as I think. After both my coffee and cookie are gone, I get up, slinging my bag over my shoulder and amble to class.

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