Today is the day I go over to Kellin's house and help him study. I don't know why I decided to help him in the first place; maybe it was the $30 he promised. Yesterday I made sure he knew we will be working at his place because mine was NOT an option. He doesn't need to know where I live and he definitely doesn't need to know my living situation. Picking up my keys, I sling my carrier bag over my shoulder and lock my apartment, before walking out to my car.
The drive to school is peaceful which I love because it gives me time to think. The windows creak as I roll them down partially, and the cool air slips through my unzipped jacket and blows at my hair. I struggle to keep my hair out of my face and drive. My phone rings in my bag- probably Alexis calling again- and I let it go to voicemail for the 27th time. I grip the steering wheel and park in a tight spot between two cars. I get out and quickly move through the parking lot, toward campus.
I hear a car horn sound behind me and I continue walking, not thinking anything of it. My footsteps pause when I hear the car slow and Alexis calling my name through the window. I hold onto the strap of my bag and speed up, getting away from the parking lot. Throughout the school hours, it basically consisted of my classes, avoiding Alexis, and thinking about how I'm going to help Kellin. Alexis has tried talking to me multiple times but I just keep walking. I feel a little guilty because what if she really didn't mean anything by it?
I shake my head, clearing my thoughts and walk out of the building to look for Kellin. I walk past other students leaving for the day and spot Kellin on an empty bench. His arms are draped behind it and the small breeze makes his dark hair sway slightly. Drawing in a deep breath and some courage, I move my carrier bag around my neck and walk over to him. He notices me walking towards the bench and just watches me. A little self-conscious, I cross my arms over my chest and keep my head down when I see his eyes moving slowly over my body.
I wet my lips a little and stop beside the bench,"I'll just follow you to your place."
He gets up and shrugs, saying,"Okay."
He starts walking away and gets one foot off the curb when I ask,"Wait, what car do you drive so I know which one to follow?"
Without looking back at me, he keeps walking and calls out,"I'll pull around to the front of the school. You just meet me here."
Quickly, I look both ways and let a car pass by before jogging to my car. I hurriedly start the car and fiddle with the radio before heading to the front of school. He isn't there yet, so I park at the curb and search through the radio stations. I land on a decent station when I hear a single, rich 'beep' come from behind my car. Kellin drives past in a sleek, silver Lamborghini. I take a moment to admire the retreating car before driving behind him.
About five minutes into the drive, I try searching for a good song and just end up putting in my Palaye Royale CD. I skip through most of the CD and let 'Warhol' play. 'Sick Boy Soldier' plays as I pull into a parking space, two spots away from Kellin. I stay in my car and turn my radio down, looking at Kellin. Pulling the key out of the ignition, I get out of the car and walk over to Kellin. I look up at the tall, modern apartment building standing in front of me. A middle aged doorman opens the door with a genuine smile. I quietly thank the man and walk behind Kellin as he heads for the elevator.
"Mr. Sill." The man at the desk says acknowledging Kellin.
"Daniel." Kellin says back.
We step into the elevator and Kellin presses the second floor from the top. Its 3:07 right now, so this session is probably going to end at like 4:30. I hold onto the strap of my carrier bag and stand on the opposite side of the elevator.
"You live pretty high up." I state.
He glances at me and turns his attention to his phone,"Yeah."

Player In Love? ✏️
Romance"Listen, I want you and only you." He said huskily. I couldn't stop the blush from filling my cheeks. He was standing in front of me, shirtless and enticing. He took a few steps closer so we were directly in front of each other. Kellin places his a...