Chapter 6

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"Shut up.....if you say one word ill cut your pretty little face" He whispered holding his hand over my mouth. Tears running down my face, the rope was digging into my wrist. Pain is all I feel

"Anna! Are you in here!?" I heard a man's voice. Sounded familar, like a voice of someone who has known me for a while. My eyes bucked.....Dad?

I jumped, waking myself from that horrible nightmare. Cold sweat running down my face. Looking around the dark room.. ANNA!!

My body jumped waking me up from that horrible dream. I was still in his bedroom with his arm around me.

Anna its time!

The voice screamed in my head. I slowly placed his arm aside and tried to creep out of the bed. Slowly walked to the door and unlock it.  Click.  I flinched at the sound thinking it might wake him and he'll see me. 

hurry anna hurry

I slipped out the door shutting it quietly behind me. I crept down the dark hall...feeling my way out on the walls.

" that you"

Shit.....I frantically started feeling up the walls looking for a room door. I finally felt one and rushed into the room. It was dark so I tried to be silent. I backed away from the door with my hand over my mouth. Hoping he wouldn't look in here. I felt my foot hit was soft....felt like a pillow or cover. I stepped backing away from it until I hit the wall, knocking a squeak out of my chest. I jumped when I heard the door handle twist and the light clicked on. I buried my face in my knees and braced myself for the beating. 

   "Anna....were you trying to run from me?  ANSWER ME! "

I flinched at the shout. I felt him grab my arm and pull me to face him.

"You should have never came in here. I just let you of here, do you hate me that much to go back?"

I felt his cold hand wrap around my neck pushing the air out of me......choking me

..I scratched at his face trying to stop him as my face started to get hot.

      "Should have stayed anna......"

He whispered as I started to black out.....I looked at the ceiling embracing my end as the black crept into my sight.....


He said letting go of my neck.  I fell to the floor landing on my side. Why did he stop...I rather be dead than here

He picked me up into his lap brushing my hair back

"I'm so sorry anna...please don't leave me. I just want you to love me........please don't leave"

He whispered into my ear.

I closed my eyes as he pick up my lifeless body and carried me away. I listened to the sounds the house made as he carried me along....I dont know where I'm going nor do I care. I'm just ready to leave this hell and be at peace.

"I just want you to love me Anna".......

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