Chapter 1

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Staring at these grey walls is starting to become comforting. Im starting to forget about my life before this, my friends, my family...I cant remember if I was ever in love or even what people's faces look like.

The days are starting to become a blur, I have no idea how long I've been here. I just know that he beats me....the guy with the mask and blue eyes. Thinking of his cold hands touching me sends shivers down my spine.

The pale blue bonnets that decorate the cover remind me of that night. The night he snatched me from the meadow...from my life. Although its hard for me to remember I know somehow my life was better than this...better than being beaten and raped every day....better than being played and manipulated everyday........the constant torture of being here is slowly driving me insane.

I heard the sound of the door slowly opening, the cold air hit me and made me flinch....."Its 7'o clock" he whispered picking up my lifeless body.....I watched the lights as he carried me down the long corridor "10.. 9 ...8 ...7 ...6 ..5 ...4 ...3 ..2 ...1" I counted to myself. He layed me on the floor in a faded pink room, the cold tile stuck to my legs. The sound of running water filled the room, I closed my eyes as he took off my blue dress revealing my now naked body.....I flinch when he ran his fingers across the fresh cuts he put on my inner thighs "sshhh...shh..shh....ill make the pain go away" he sweetly whispered.

He picked me up and placed me in the warm water...I sat motionless as he bathed me, washing every inch of me...making me sick...but I was doing nothing about, I knew if I acted up he would punish me.

I couldn't take this much longer...the constant beatings made my body numb to me. Everyday is the same, slowly driving me mad. All I know is as long as I do what he says and don't right back he wont hurt me.

"Listen Anna I know that I've been a little rough lately"........ a little I thought to my self ...."But that's all going to change darling.....ill start treating you better so we can start our family"..

My eyes shot wide open....what did he mean start our family

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