Chapter 11

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I walked down the stairs to the living room. My belly was doing flips "it's ok little one" i whispered to my anxious belly. I didn't feel comfortable with this uneasy feeling and it seems neither did my baby. When i touched the bottom of the stairs I saw the living room door. Was wide open and Conner was leaning against the door frame. He looked at me with a look on his face i didn't understand.

"Look Anna" he said walking towards me "I don't like how Ben has you locked up here, forcing you to love him. I know you want to be free"

I looked at him with wide eyes, my mind was going crazy with thoughts. How could he want to help me, how do i know this is not a test or a trick. I walked with him as he lead me out the door and to a car.

"Here" he said pushing his hand out "it's the keys the car is full, if you take a right it takes you to the main road" he said while pushing me in the car.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as i started the car....i thought i'd be stuck there orc have to kill just to get out. I rushed down the highway as if the further away i got the further away the pain will feel and the more the horrible memories will fade. The trees outside the window started to become a n blur then just a huge green mass filling the frame. The road in front of me was clear, no red lights....nothing. I was free....i was going home..

- "Anna!! Anna!!"

I was being shaken "Anna please be alive! Shit the baby!"

I felt arms picking me up from my place, more like ripping me from my blur.
The smell of blueberry muffins and tea filled my nose, making my stomach growl. I moved to the side trying to see where I was, the hard jerk made my head hurt forcing me to cringe over and grip it.

"Anna?...are you awake" Connor asked as he walked up to me

"How am I here, you let me go" I moved as he tried to touch me...
"What are you talking about?"

I pushed him away and tried to get off the sofa,
"Dont act like im crazy, you let me go. I was out that front door and in this"-

"Anna..."connor said slowly walking towards me "I didnt do anything that you are saying."

I gripped my throbbing head, thoughts were all over the place. I was unsure of connors actions, but he let me go. I ran over to the window next to the door to see if the car was outside.

"See connor.....that gave me the keys" i said shaking my hands and pointing to the car "Im not going crazy, you let me go"

Connor ran over and grabbed me, i frantically tried to release myself from his grip. He grabbed my head and placed it on his chest

"Shhhhhh anna, youre not crazy, but i never let you go"

I started to cry on his chest and punch

"Anna.....he were coming down the stairs and you fell. You were out for a while before i saw you, I didnt know what to do"-

"No" i shook my head "youre lying, if i fell then i would've......"

I yanked my arms loose from him and dropped to the floor holding my belly, trying to feel my baby move.

"Anna" he said softly leaning towards me "when i finally saw were face dow-"

"No!" i yelled hugging myself, feelings the warm tears roll down my face

"You were bleeding Ann-"

"Youre lying!" I screamed pushing and punching him.....

I looked down to see some blood on my dress and lost all my breath....I slowly looked up at him "take me to a hospital" I asked softly......"I wont run or scream......Just take me there" i begged hugging myself again.
The tears on my cheeks started to dry as Connor drove me to a back door doctor, one who knows him and his brother so he wouldn't tell any police I was here. I held my belly the entire ride, hoping i would feel my baby move at least once, I felt absolutely nothing as i walked through the door and towards the office.

"Come here and lay down" the doctor said looking at me with sympathy, as if he knew exactly what im going through. As if hes seen it before.......has he seen this before? I looked at connor as I layed back on the bed, he was the only thing in the room ive recognized, which is horrible seeing he is my keepers brother. The liquid the doctor spread on my stomach was cold, making me jump

"Please stay calm, its gonna be a little cold" the doctor said placing some machine on my stomach "you can look at the screen if you desire"

I turned my head to look at the screen, praying as the doctor tried to find my baby and the heartbeat. Sitting there waiting was ripping my heart piece by piece...My eyes started to water and i felt as my world started to come undone

"Wait....wait" the doctor said making my heart jump as he moved along my belly

"There it is.....the heartbeat"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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