Girl Meets Foster Child

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Chapter 3: Girl Meets Foster Child || Song Of Chapter: Here by Alessia Cara


"So, where are we going?" I asked Lucas as we walked past yet another alley, we'd been on a journey of self-discovery for almost 3o minutes and he still hasn't told me where we are going. It was kind of annoying, yet intriguing as two pre-teens walked around the city alone.

"Where ever our hearts take us, Snuggle Puffs!" Lucas told me, smiling excitedly and pulling me along with him. "This is so exciting." He said throwing his arms in the air.

"Snuggle Puffs? What happened to Darlin', Darlin'?" I said questioning him about the constant name change, to be honest, they were making my head spin.

"That's still your name, I just used it in the heat of the moment," he said as he stopped walking and turned to me, he let go of my hand and back away a bit. "We're here!"

"Where is 'here' exactly?" I asked confused, looking around the busy streets of New York City, all the abandoned buildings and empty alleyways.

"Turn around and you'll see!" He said grabbing my waist and moving me.

I laughed, not used to this much happiness as he guided my body, "gosh you're so excited today. Whoa!" I said looking the old building, we were standing in front of a record store, on the outside it didn't look like much and it had graffiti on the walls but looking through the windows was a whole other story!

 Whoa!" I said looking the old building, we were standing in front of a record store, on the outside it didn't look like much and it had graffiti on the walls but looking through the windows was a whole other story!

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"Amazing right?" He asked me, he then took my hand. "If you like the outside, then you'll love the inside." And, boy was he right! There were records all over the place, on the ceiling, walls, counter, racks and a few on the floor. I was completely floored.

"How'd you find this place?" I asked, "you've only been in New York for like a month or two, and you found this! I've been in New York for like 11 years and I've never been here! I'm jealous."

"Well, I explore, I like adventure and finding new places." He told me laughing, "it's the Texan in me. You should come along sometimes."

"I'm down," I told him running my hand over the old records before moving to the CD section, "this is like my candy store, I'm completely obsessed."

"I can tell," Lucas said as he watched me look through the records, "You know, I think we should get to know each other."

"And, how do you plan on us doing that?" I asked him, giving him my full attention after taking a deeper look around the store, trying to absorb the history and the music.

"Well, that reason we are here, Snuggles," he said causing a raised an eyebrow from me. "We are each gonna pick one album out, one that describes who we are, I'll give you mine and you give me yours. We will listen to it and tell each other what we think the album means to us and how it describes us."

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